Likes and Comments Not Enough? Use Yeemos’ Exclusive Doodle Function to Reply to Your Friends!|按讚留言不夠看,Yeemos獨家塗鴉功能讓你用畫的回覆朋友動態!

Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2018

The new anonymous social media app Yeemos, with “Snap Emotions” as its motto, lets you update your mood wherever and whenever. Friends and strangers can reply to your posts and feel what you feel. The most popular function up-to-date is the doodle function. It frees your interaction from likes and comments by letting you doodle away on your friend’s updates and let your inner artist out!

The last two articles introduced four photo-editing and three sharing functions available on Yeemos. Today, we’re back with reply functions that have received raving reviews from users:

1. Friends Only! Doodle Reply Function
Likes and comments not fun enough? Doodle it! Draw a heart or set off fireworks in a friend’s status. Give them some sunglasses and then a wig. Unleash mischief, fun and upgrade interactions, and get closer! You can also see doodles from other friends. Layer on to create a new status update!
Want to see doodles from one friend only? Click the pen at their reply and click the hide option beside the names of other friends! Time to step up your artistic game!

2. Comments, the Most Heartfelt Response
Want to ask which restaurant they’re at or compliment an outfit? Comment to let you friends know. Friends can reply on top of comments to make this conversation a two-way street!

3. Yeemos Capsule
Use Yeemos capsules to update your statuses and see what mood capsules your friends respond with! Whether you’re happy, love, excited, annoyed, sad, scared or angry, press and hold on the capsule to choose one that best suits your state. Send capsules in a row to send a capsule chain!

The fan favorite doodle function may be the primary function for social mining through Yeemos in the future. Haven’t gotten in on the Yeemos fun yet? Download it today and start getting warmed up for social mining online!

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