Lit will rebrand as PiePie!|Lit 換新裝,改名「拍拍」全新登場!

Continue to social mining MITH by sharing photos and videos on PiePie!

2 min readNov 26, 2018


Since its launch 9 months ago, Lit has received tremendous support and valuable feedback from its user base, for which the MITH team is genuinely grateful. In response to the changing user needs, Lit introduced a new feature, Clips, and has received positive feedback.

In addition to developing Lit, MITH has continued expanding the MITH ecosystem, and expects to integrate social mining into more applications. Last week, MITH with great delight announced its second social mining partner, Yeemos, a new genre of social app that allows users to share photos, videos, and their lifestyles in real-time.

The addition of social mining integration on Yeemos will enrich the MITH ecosystem and bring in new, exciting content and a more vibrant community.

With the expansion of the MITH ecosystem, MITH announced that it will no longer operate and manage social mining applications, and instead focus on creating more ways to mine MITH. From now on, the Lit app will be operated by M17 Group entirely and rebrand as PiePie!

PiePie will be a lifestyle sharing community. As easy as its name suggests, Pie Pie expects users to take snapshots anytime, anywhere, to share and keep journals of their lives with fellow users. This change is in name only. All social mining mechanisms will not be influenced by this rebranding effort. Users will be rewarded the same amount of MITH tokens when sharing photos and clips on PiePie as they did on Lit.

Here is a list of Q&A to give you more information about Pie Pie!

Q: After the name change, will the new app be different from Lit?

A: No. PiePie users will continue making videoclips with ease and sharing their lives with fellow users of the same interest. PiePie will focus on the use caseof short clips.

Q: Will there be any changes to social mining from this rebranding?

A: Not at all! PiePie will keep social mining the same. We hope everyone can continue making great content and discussing interesting topics. Let’s keep social mining!

The PiePie team will carry on with its hard work and create more interesting features. All recommendations and feedback are welcomed. Please send your feedback to



Lit 上線近九個月以來,獲得了廣大用戶的支持,也得到了非常多寶貴的建議,秘銀對此深感珍惜與感激。順應著潮流的變化,Lit 更在上個月加入了全新「短影片」功能,獲得了廣大的好評迴響。

除了持續努力開發 Lit ,秘銀更積極地拓展秘銀生態系,期許讓大家有更多獲取以及使用秘銀的場景。在上週,我們很高興地宣布第二位社交挖礦夥伴 — Yeemos 的加入。Yeemos 為全新型態的社交APP,不僅可上傳照片及動態影片,與好友即時分享生活,更可選擇可觀看上傳內容的特定族群!

我們非常期待 Yeemos 的加入能夠為秘銀生態系注入更多社群動能、帶來更多精彩內容。

在秘銀生態系逐步擴大的情況下,為了更專注在拓展秘銀的挖礦場景與用途,秘銀也在此宣布不再獨立經營任何一款社交挖礦軟體。今後, Lit app 將完全交由之前與秘銀共同經營的 M17 集團經營,且 Lit app 將迎來全新改版,作為「拍拍」全新登場!



Q:改名後 app 跟原本的 Lit 會有不一樣嗎?





