Lit strikes again! All-new “Short Clip” feature launching in September

Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2018

Since MITH’s official announcement on July 24th regarding the joint operation of Lit with M17 Entertainment, more than 1,000 live streamers and influencers have joined Lit. Daily active users and social miners have increased by 89% with the amount of photos and videos created have grown by more than 300%.

These early results of the partnership has exceeded all expectations and we expect to further accelerate growth of the Lit ecosystem in the coming weeks and months through community integration with our partner(s).

We’re also sharing one more exciting piece of news —

With content consumption trends moving towards short videos, Lit will be launching its “Short Clip” feature in September.

Not only can users record and upload videos, they will also be able to sync their videos with music and do post production edits synchronized with music clips. The addition of the “Short Video” content creation functionality will increase the variety of content produced on Lit, and social/entertainment value of content to Lit’s users, making Lit the preferred and best social platform to post, share and engage in social mining, for millions of users across the globe!

Lit 再創佳績!九月將推出全新功能-「短影片」

暨7/24宣佈秘銀將與M17 Entertainment 共同經營Lit後,持續導入娛樂資源與鼓勵創作者分享生活,目前已與超過1,000位直播主和網紅開始使用Lit上傳製作內容,每日分享最新訊息及精彩的影音內容,豐富Lit娛樂動能。



因應年輕世代對影片的投入與熱情,Lit 將於9月推出全新「短影片」功能,


