Machi Big Brother Stickers Just Launched! Yeemos Photo-editing Functions Revealed!|麻吉大哥貼圖上線啦!Yeemos 照片編輯功能大揭密

Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Last week we announced the beta version launch of our social mining partner, Yeemos. Now, we have more great news for you! Yeemos, with “Snap Emotions” as their motto, has now added exclusive MITH stickers to its latest 1.1.4 version!

MITH stickers, especially high five, clapping, and good job ones, featuring Machi Big Brother, Jeffrey Huang, have received raving reviews from fans since its launch this year and is now one of the most frequently used stickers! Yeemos believes fans can be even more expressive with the introduction of the new MITH stickers!

Yeemos has four other photo-editing functions on top of stickers, making the editing process fun and engaging!

Here they are:

1. Location Tags, Friend Tags, and Hashtags

Tag places you’ve visited or let your friends know they made a cameo in your picture! #Hashtag topics of interest to browse and follow other people of similar hobbies! From now on out, it’s friends without borders!

2. Emoji Stickers

Other than the Yeemos mascot, the app comes with emojis and MITH’s stickers so you can express yourselves with images!

3. Doodle

Stickers falling short? Doodle it! Give your friends whiskers and cat ears or use this function to make your pictures more interesting. Doodle to your heart’s content.

4. Typing

Pictures not enough? Express yourself with our typing function. Type what you mean!

Haven’t downloaded Yeemos yet? Get the app now:

iOS Store:

Google Play:


自上週宣布秘銀社交挖礦好夥伴Yeemos Beta 版本開放下載後,又有新消息要公佈啦!以「隨時捕捉你的心情寫照」為主打的Yeemos,在最新版本1.1.4中,加入秘銀專屬貼圖囉!

秘銀貼圖自今年上線至今即廣後受粉絲好評,尤其是麻吉大哥黃立成擊掌、拍手鼓掌good job等貼圖,更成為秘銀各大聊天室出現頻率最高的貼圖之一!相信有秘銀貼圖的加入,粉絲們能更生動地表達心情!


1. 標記地點、朋友、hashtag


2. emoji貼圖功能


3. 塗鴉功能


4. 打字功能


iOS Store:
Google Play:

