Major announcement: MITH x M17 Entertainment|重要宣告:MITH x M17 Entertainment

Published in
1 min readAug 7, 2018

August 7, 2018

MITH has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with M17 Entertainment Limited to:

Accept MITH as a currency of payment for its millions of users.

17 Media, a fully owned subsidiary of M17 Entertainment and Developed Asia’s top live entertainment platform, has earned over USD 34 million up until March 2018.

More details will be shared in due course.

MITH Team.



秘銀與 M17 Entertainment 正式簽訂合作備忘錄:

由 M17 Entertainment 所百分百持有、為全亞洲頂尖直播娛樂平台的 17 Media,截至 2018 年三月底,收入已超過 3,400 萬美金,實力驚人,17 Media 其近百萬的用戶將可接受秘銀幣作為支付貨幣。



