MITH Binance Chain Migration Update | 秘銀幣移轉至幣安鏈公告

Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2019

The MITH migration on Binance Chain will begin tomorrow, April 25th at noon (UTC+8) at Deposits and withdrawals of MITH on Binance will be disabled during the migration period. Trading will continue during this time.

Process for the migration will be the same as the BNB Mainnet Swap described here. ERC20 versions of MITH held in private ETH wallets or on other exchanges will not be impacted.

To learn more about how to use the Binance DEX, please see the Binance Academy tutorial here.


幣安將於 4/25 中午 12:00(UTC+8)正式開始將在幣安(的秘銀幣移轉至幣安鏈。屆時,幣安的秘銀儲值與提領將會停止;交易則會持續進行。

移轉流程將會與 BNB 相同,詳情請參考:

註:用戶存放在個人 ETH 錢包或其他交易所的MITH(ERC20) 不會受到此次移轉的影響。

了解如何使用 Binance DEX:Binance Academy tutorial

