MITH Migration for Social Mining | 秘銀移轉通知

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3 min readMay 6, 2019

We are migrating part of the Social Mining reserves from ERC20 to BEP2. ERC20 MITH burned will equal to the BEP2 MITH unfrozen/moved, keeping the total MITH number the same.

秘銀將把部分留給「社交挖礦」的 ERC20 秘銀幣 轉變為 BEP2 版本的秘銀幣。與移轉至幣安鏈、變為BEP2 秘銀幣 同樣數量的 ERC20 秘銀幣將會被燒幣,以維持秘銀總量的一致。

