MITH Ad Network Coming Soon | 秘銀 Ad Network 即將上線

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2 min readMay 14, 2019

VAULT, the digital wallet that has close ties with Mithril will be the first partner to adopt the MITH Ad Network.
MITH Ad Network plans to create a complete MITH ecosystem by providing MITH holders more applications and facilitating circulation.

The advantage of advertisements in VAULT lies in that they can target the users holding digital assets precisely.

VAULT is offering three types of slots, all of which are optimized to visually comfortable presentation that does not affect user experience.

Type 1: Native Ads

These are native ads in the “Mission” page in VAULT.

The ads are presented in the form of “missions” that you can complete, and reach consumers naturally. Highly recommended for business owners!

Type 2: Video Ads

Video ad allows you to reach consumers, and introduce your products/services in a more animated way. When interested, consumers can tap on the video for more information without leaving the page.

Type 3: Banner Ads

Banner ad allows for multiple images to catch the eyes of users in an interactive way.

The ad slots are in their beta right now.

If you are interested, email

秘銀 Ad Network 即將上線

與秘銀密切合作的電子錢包「VAULT」會是第一個採用 Mithril Ad Network 的夥伴!

Mithril Ad Network 的規劃將提供秘銀持幣者更多的應用場景、並且使秘銀幣回流、創造一個完整的秘銀生態系。

VAULT 的廣告版位的優勢在於能夠精準地鎖定持有數位資產的客群。版位目前規劃了三種形式,每一種形式都盡力做到讓廣告版位的存在舒適怡人、不影響使用者體驗。


第一部份會是融入在 VAULT 的「任務」頁面中的原生廣告。







目前廣告版位準備進入 BETA 測試,


