MITH Forge Fund appoints Ms. Kheng Lian Ho as Founding Partner and Managing Director|秘銀國際鍛造基金新夥伴!宣佈任命Ms. Kheng Lian Ho為董事總經理

Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018

November 19, 2018

MITH Forge Fund announced today that Ms. Kheng Lian Ho, who was previously an advisor, will join the fund as Founding Partner and Managing Director.

She will be responsible for directing all of MITH Forge Fund’s investments. Ms. Ho said,

“I relish the challenge presented by Jeffrey (founder of MITH) to me through MITH Forge Fund. I expect to deploy MITH capital into over 50 companies in the next 12–18 months, mostly within seed and Series A stages. Through these investments, I hope to grow the MITH ecosystem into a more robust ecosystem that encompasses more than the social sector it is already in.”

Ms. Kheng Lian Ho is the founder of Kollective Ventures that invests and advises the most established venture capital funds and startups in the areas of fundraising, investments and business development globally. Companies include Vertex Ventures (Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, Temasek’s venture capital fund), SpaceX, M17 Entertainment and Coffee Meets Bagel among others. She has invested in early, growth and late stage technology deals.

She is also a Venture Partner at Vectr Ventures, a Hong Kong based early stage venture capital firm that invests in startups globally. There, she sources deals, co-invests and assists their portfolio companies in fundraising and business development as well. In addition, she also co-founded Open Circles, a company that curates a global community of top thought leaders, change makers, investors, entrepreneurs and industry experts; and creates engaging experiences/forums for them to catalyze collaborations, economic growth and social impact.

By living between Singapore, New York, Hong Kong, and her roles at Vectr Ventures and Open Circles, she gains access to popular deals around the world. Prior to venture capital, she was a litigation and restructuring lawyer for 6 years in Singapore and Hong Kong.


秘銀國際鍛造基金新夥伴!宣佈任命Ms. Kheng Lian Ho為董事總經理

秘銀國際鍛造基金又有新消息!今日宣佈原為國際鍛造基金諮詢顧問一職的Ms. Kheng Lian Ho,擔任董事總經理一職,她將致力於國際鍛造基金未來的投資計劃與策略。何小姐表示:

「對於Jeffrey Huang (秘銀創辦人)給我的這個挑戰,我感到相當興奮及充滿期待。在接下來的12至18個月裡,我期許能帶領國際鍛造基金展開全新的策略佈局,將有機會投資超過50間、正處於種子輪或A輪募資的高潛力公司。藉由這些投資標的,希望能將秘銀的生態系打造為更為完善、健康的體制,將與更多社交APP合作,更加落實社交挖礦的理念。」

Kheng Lian Ho 是 Kollective Venture 的創辦人,針對募資、投資及發展中的創投、新創公司進行投資並提供專業顧問建議。其中舉凡 Vertex Ventures (新加坡的主權財富基金、Temasek 的創投基金)、 Space X、M17集團和 Coffee Meets Bagel 等。在投資領域上,Kheng Lian Ho成就非凡,不僅涉足處於不同發展階段的技術交易方案,亦跨足如 Telegram 首次代幣發行的虛擬貨幣產業。

旅居新加坡、香港與紐約三大國際城市,Kheng Lian Ho進一步將她的事業版圖擴大至全球市場,同時加入香港創投公司 Vectr Ventures。回顧過往職涯,多年前她從專業律師轉戰創投界,以投資合夥人的身份加入當時在香港剛起步的Vectr Ventures,所投資的範疇放眼國際新創;負責定位投資機會、共同投資,並協助其投資公司進行募資、拓展企業發展可能性。

此外,她亦為 Open Circles 的共同創辦人。Open Circle 是個匯集了國際間眾多成功菁英人士的國際社群,更為這群對國際局勢、企業發展有遠見的菁英們、投資方、創業者及各領域出眾的意見領袖們,創造深度交流的機會,進而帶動經濟發展與社會創新。在加入創投界前,她曾於新加坡及香港任職為律師一職,主要負責法律訴訟及公司重整等重要任務。

