MITH Partners with Binance as the First Project to Migrate to Binance Chain | 秘銀正式結盟幣安!全球首個參與轉移幣安鏈項目方

Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2019

We are proud to announce today that MITH will be the first project to migrate to Binance Chain, a blockchain software system developed by Binance and the community. By migrating to the Binance Chain, MITH token holders will be the first to experience the speed, security, and user friendliness on the new Binance DEX platform while maintaining full control over their own funds. Migration of MITH from ERC20 to BEP2 will begin shortly after the mainnet launch of Binance Chain on April 18, 2019.

Since the launch of MITH, we have monitored the progress of various blockchain platforms as they evolve toward increased scalability, security, and ease of use. As MITH continues to gain real-world usage through MITH Merchant Network partners in media and entertainment, food and beverage, retail clothing, and events management, the benefits of speed, security, and user friendliness have become crucial to the success of our ecosystem. Binance Chain’s focus on usability, security, along with the incredible speed of one-second block times, made migrating to the Binance Chain an important strategic initiative for us this quarter.

Initial migration from ERC20 to BEP2 will begin shortly after the Binance Chain mainnet launch. Deposits and withdrawals of MITH on will be disabled during the initial 12-hour migration period, although trading will continue during this time. Once the initial migration of ERC20-based MITH to BEP2 MITH is complete, Binance users will be able to withdraw MITH to BEP2 wallets, such as the Ledger Nano S, and begin trading on Binance DEX. ERC20 versions of MITH held in private ETH wallets or on other exchanges will not be impacted.

We are honored to join Binance in growing the ecosystem and supporting the launch of the first DEX that will offer users the benefit of self-custodied funds and the wide liquidity pool of the Binance community. We are grateful for the long-standing partnership with Binance, and look forward to continued growth and success together.

About Binance Chain

Binance Chain is a blockchain software system developed by Binance and the community. Binance Chain is a community-driven development project with many developers and contributors from all over the world. Binance DEX is the decentralized exchange feature developed on top of the Binance Chain blockchain. Learn more

About Mithril

MITH is a decentralized social media platform that rewards all content creators. MITH is building a comprehensive ecosystem that revolves around MITH. Users acquire MITH through MITH mining, manage their assets on VAULT, and spend MITH in various real-life applications.

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在秘銀幣移轉至幣安鏈的過程,儲值與提領將會暫停12小時,交易正常進行。移轉過程中,存放於幣安交易所的ERC20 秘銀幣會轉為幣安鏈的BEP2;當移轉完成後,幣安的用戶們將能提領秘銀幣到 BEP2 的錢包,並於幣安去中心化交易所(DEX)進行交易。而存放於用戶自行保管私鑰錢包中的 ERC20 秘銀幣或是存放於其他交易所的秘銀幣則不受影響。



幣安鏈(Binance Chain)是由幣安及幣安社區開發的點對點分布式區塊鏈系統,幣安DEX是基於幣安鏈(Binance Chain)構建的原生去中心化交易平台。其網絡由去中心化節點組成,幣安DEX支持在其上發行並上線加密貨幣。區塊鏈各個節點進行去中心化訂單撮合,所有交易均在鏈上記錄,從而形成完整、可供審查的交易賬目。 暸解更多




