MITH Roadmap 2018–2019|秘銀未來發展歷程 2018–2019

Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2018

MITH reveals its roadmap — Here is a sneak peek of MITH’s plan for the future:

In light of the popularity of Vault’s latest feature “Shift”, MITH will support the exchange of MITH tokens with Bitcoin, as well as other ERC20 tokens in Q4, in addition to Ether now.

MITH kicked off in 2018, and will leap forward in 2019, as it introduces MITH Payments and the MITH Ad Network in H1 2019.

Payments is the next big thing for MITH. While building strategic partnerships, MITH is also developing APIs to connect with different payment networks and companies to facilitate payment. When “MITH Payment” comes live, it will dramatically advance the circulation of MITH tokens.

MITH Ad Network serves as a network for companies to gain access the millions of users on the MITH network through advertisements , and for users to promote their content. The unique social regenerative model of MITH allows content creators to invest MITH tokens rewarded from social mining, back into the ad network to reach an even larger audience!

Stay tuned to find out more about our developments, partnerships and joint programs!


秘銀大幅開展事業版圖!2018 — 2019 未來發展歷程一覽表:

自八月初推出 Vault 全新「兌幣」功能後,大受用戶歡迎,目前開放以太幣 (ETH) 的兌換,在 Q4 更預計新增比特幣 (Bitcoin) 及接受更多符合智能合約 (ERC20) 的虛擬貨幣匯兌。

「支付」為秘銀下一階段的研發重點,不僅與策略聯盟合作,更將開發可串接不同公司的 API ,以利技術端可快速執行收付需求,預期「支付」功能上線後將可大幅提昇秘銀幣的市場流通性。

2018 是秘銀開始起步的元年,2019 則是秘銀大幅躍升的開展之年。2019 年H1 將正式推出支付及聯播網等兩大發展主軸。聯播網不僅為廣告需求,更可成為用戶宣傳的管道,用戶更可將社交挖礦獲得的秘銀幣,再次投注於聯播網中,宣傳自己的影音創作,形成秘銀獨有的社交再生模式。

秘銀的策略聯盟版圖,將於 2019 年 Q2 完成,屆時將與大家分享秘銀的合作夥伴及更多合作訊息!

而眾所期待的聯播網模式,暨 2019 年 H1 推出後,因應廣告主及用戶需求持續優化,預計將於 2019 年 Q3 推出全新版本,讓社交挖礦的回饋與廣告機制更加完善!


