MITH Vault Roadmap 2018 Q4–2019 Q1 Release|秘銀金庫發展 2018 Q4–2019 Q1計劃搶先看

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3 min readSep 5, 2018

Here is a sneak preview of the development plan for Vault for 2018 Q4–2019 Q1:

Since the launch of Vault, its easy-to-use interface design has been favored by users. The MITH design team is committed to optimize the pages to release new features and an intuitive menu to make sure the Vault becomes the most useful digital wallet for users.

In Q3, MITH will release its Staking feature. As a part of MITH’s plan to enter Korea, the vault official website has launched for Korean holders to save and exchange MITH faster.

In Q4, you can invite friends with our referral program. Vault will support Bitcoin and USDT then to offer more exchange services.

In Q1 2019, Vault app will come to live! More features and more ERC-20 coins! MITH cooperates with its strategic alliance to bring MITH to our daily lives based on the Vault network.


秘銀金庫 2018 Q4–2019 Q1 發展計劃搶先看!


在今年第三季,全新改版的「秘存」功能即將登場!因應秘銀即將進軍韓國的市場規劃,金庫官網更推出韓文語系,讓韓國 HODLERS 可更快了解秘存、兌幣等功能。

展望 Q4,不但可在秘銀金庫直接以法幣購買秘銀幣,更預計推出「推薦機制」,鼓勵用戶邀請親朋好友加入金庫的行列,同時金庫支援比特幣及USDT,提供給使用者兌換其他幣種的兌幣服務。

2019 Q1 秘銀金庫 APP 將首度登場!更持續開發新功能,支援更多 ERC-20 的幣種;將與策略聯盟展開合作,打造以秘銀金庫付費的網絡,落實秘銀幣應用場景。

