MITH Weekly | 秘銀週報 8/10/2018

Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2018

New Exchange This Week

August 8 — MITH is listed on a Korean exchange OKcoinKR, trading started on 8/8 14:00–15:00 (UTC+9). OKCOIN Korea is legal entity partnered(JV) with OK Group. After OKCOIN Korea entered into Korean market in April 2018, it has soon become a leading exchange in Korea. Upon the listing of MITH on OKCOINkorea, the circulation of MITH token around the globe will increase dramatically. Click the news title for details.

MITH Roadmap Update

August 9 — In the past few months, MITH team has been working extremely hard to deliver the best products to MITH supporters. You might’ve noticed that Mithril is ahead of schedule, MITH has expedited the launch of MITH Vault and Shifting function originally from 2019 Q1 to 2018 Q3. Next, MITH team will begin the Vault payment development, as well as adding BTC and more ERC20 tokens to MITH Vault for users to shift between currencies in MITH Vault by the end of 2018. Along with the product development, MITH team is also expecting to expand the cooperation between MITH Ad Network and merchants in the MITH ecosystem in 2019. Click the news title for details.

A future of MITH Ad Network with you

Bob is a talented guitarist living in Los Angeles, wanting to make an impact to the world with his music.

He joined Lit in May 2018, he was amazed by the idea of Social Mining which rewards all content creators with a cryptocurrency called MITH. He began to share short video clips on Lit app in his spare time, engaged in the community, joined and won the contest, made some MITH throughout the months.

One day, Bob saw an announcement about MITH Ad Network, he figured it might be a good opportunity to increase exposure for his future brand, he then spent some of the MITH he won from the contest to promote for his Lit profile.

His followers increased within a short period of time, his daily view count hit 2K after he placed an advertisement on MITH Ad Network, people were dying to watch his stories on Lit every day, Bob became “Lit famous”. Even more surprisingly, he found out his mining speed accelerated evidently.

A few days later, Bob got an invite from one of the MITH merchants- worldwide famous music streaming media platform to perform at their charity event, he was really flattered and accepted the invitation immediately. Bob would never have thought the MITH he collected from social mining could be an open door to pursue his dreams.

This is a message from MITH Ad Network,

We are the first-ever global ad network with cryptocurrencies as a transaction method on social media platforms. We aimed to break the barrier of traditional advertising. We want to create a platform where rewards every content creators’ hard work. We want to make Bob’s dreams come true.


MITH Ad Network

Make a wish!

Since there’s more and more friends supporting MITH, we are thinking about raise a MITH-meet and start from Taipei. Leave your message at our Facebook post, tell us what would you like to have at the MITH-meet in the future!

WeChat Social Platform Activity

Starting from next week, activities will be held in particular WeChat groups. To find out more details, scan the QR Code below and we will help you join the group. Stay tuned!

See you next week!



韓國交易所 OKcoinKR 於八月八日14:00–15:00 (UTC+9) 父親節上線MITH開放交易。OKCOINkorea 隸屬於OK Group,在2018年四月進入韓國後,便立刻成為韓國領先的頂尖交易所。秘銀上架OKCOINkorea將為秘銀帶來更高的全球流通性!細節請按標題連結。


不知道大家有沒有發現原本預計在 2019 Q1 發佈的秘銀金庫兌幣功能已經在2018 Q3提早釋出啦! 秘銀團隊會不斷的努力更新讓大家能夠跟我們一起共享這。接下來,秘銀團隊會開始秘銀金庫付款功能的研發,並且增加比特幣及其他更多貨幣的兌幣功能,在2019跟大家見面啦!隨著秘銀金庫功能增加的同時,秘銀團隊也將拓展聯播網及商家付款的合作,預計在明年中問世。細節請按標題連結。


Bob 是一位住在洛杉磯極具才華的吉他樂手,希望能透過自己的音樂,帶給這個世界有所影響。

他在 2018 年五月加入 Lit,對於用虛擬貨幣來回饋內容創造者的社交挖礦理念感到很驚奇。他開始在閒暇之餘分享短影片、參與社群互動、參加挖礦比賽,在幾個月的時間內為自己賺到了一些秘銀幣。

有一天,Bob 看到秘銀聯播網成立的公告,心想這是一個曝光自己未來品牌的大好機會,於是他把比賽贏來的秘銀幣繼續投入,宣傳他的 Lit 個人頁面。

他的追蹤好友在短時間內增加許多,在秘銀聯播網上投放廣告後,平均日觀看數也達到兩千之多,人們每天都想看 Bob 在 Lit 上分享的故事動態,Bob 因此成為了「Lit 網紅」。更令他驚訝的是,他發現他的社交挖礦速度明顯加快不少。幾天後,Bob 收到來自秘銀合作品牌-全球知名音樂串流平台的邀請,希望 Bob 能出席一場公益活動的演出。Bob 感到相當榮幸,很快就答應了這項邀約。他永遠沒有想到,在 Lit 上社交挖礦所得到的秘銀幣,竟然會是開啟他夢想大門的鑰匙。



我們的目標是要打破以往傳統廣告的框架,建立一個回饋給每一位辛苦耕耘的內容創造者的平台。我們想讓每一位像 Bob 一樣心懷夢想的你,夢想成真。





微信 WeChat 社群活動預備中

我們即將在下週開始,不定期於特定微信群組進行社群活動,欲知詳情請掃下方QR Code,將由專員協助你加入群組,期待一下吧!


