MITH Will Be Partnering up with Simple Swap! |秘銀將與 SimpleSwap 合作

Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2018

MITH will be partnering up with Simple Swap!

We have yet another great news — We will be partnering up with SimpleSwap! SimpleSwap provides easy and secure token exchange service that not only targets 10 major tokens such as BTC, ETH and XRP, but also has hundreds of other token options available. Simply enter the desired trading pair and recipient address (for an example, exchange BTC directly from your wallet via SimpleSwap and deposit MITH to your Vault) to complete an effortless exchange transaction. This dramatically reduces the complications of a traditional exchange, and resolves the time-consuming pain point factor for non-MITH holders.

We firmly believe that collaborating with SimpleSwap will effectively enhance MITH circulation on the market while providing a secure and convenient option for users to obtain MITH.

秘銀將與 SimpleSwap 合作

秘銀又有好消息要向大家宣佈,我們即將與 SimpleSwap 合作! SimpleSwap 提供簡單且安全的幣幣兌換服務,涵蓋前十大幣別如BTC、ETH、XRP等超過百種幣別可供選擇,只要在該平台上輸入你想要的交易對,並輸入接收地址(如直接由你的錢包以比特幣透過SimpleSwap兌換,以秘銀幣打至VAULT),如此一來就能輕鬆完成兌幣服務,縮短傳統兌幣流程解決用戶未持有秘銀幣的耗時痛點。


