New Design of MITH Vault’s Mobile Web|秘銀金庫手機版網頁全新設計

Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2018

We are launching a new interface for MITH Vault on mobile devices for better user experience!

① Navigation bar

We’ve added a navigation bar on the top. You can switch back and forward between different pages easily.

② Deposit and Withdraw

After choosing the cryptocurrency in “Funds”, let’s take MITH for example, a small card with “Deposit” and “Withdraw” buttons will appear at the bottom, making it easy for you to use and see in just a glance.

③ Estimated value of your assets in MITH Vault

On the top of “Funds”, an estimated total value of your cryptocurrency in MITH Vault is calculated here. For example, the total value in this MITH Vault account is 37,200 USD in the picture above.

It’s simple and practical!

👉 Sign up for MITH Vault now:



① 導覽列


② 儲值與提領


③ 金庫資金估算

一樣是在「資金」頁面,在最上方會出現你的秘銀金庫中所擁有的「總額」估算值;以上圖為例,該秘銀金庫所擁有的虛擬通貨估計為 37,200 USD。

👉 還沒使用的話快來註冊一下吧:

