Supercharge Your Social Mining by Staking MITH — Coming Soon

Published in
1 min readMar 25, 2018

It’s been 2 weeks since the Lit app beta was released. We appreciate all the support and suggestions from our community — Thank you!

Today, we would like to talk about a new feature we’re adding in the near future — Staking. Inspired by Proof of Stake, MITH holders above a certain threshold of MITH tokens will enjoy a faster rate of social mining.

Additionally, coin age will also be factored into MITH staking. The longer MITH tokens are held, the more weight they will carry in the staking calculation.

We will soon introduce staking into the social mining process, starting with the launch of the MITH Vault on Lit.

In the meantime, stay tuned to our social media channels we look forward to seeing your stories on Lit.

The MITH Team




Beta 版的 Lit 上架兩週了,在此期間,我們收到許多來自社群與使用者的支持與建議,秘銀團隊在此由衷表示感謝!

今天有個新消息要與各位分享:秘銀即將在我們第一款能夠使用社交挖礦的 app 「Lit」 上,實施「Staking」的機制。

啟發自 Proof of Stake 的概念,staking 的機制能讓秘銀幣的持有者以更快的速度進行社交挖礦。此外,用戶所持秘銀幣的幣齡也會納入計算。用戶持有的秘銀幣越多、時間越長,對 Staking 機制的影響比重越高、社交挖礦的速度會越快。

我們會在近期介紹更詳細的 staking 機制,並將與MITH Vault的功能同步在 Lit 開放。

在此期間,敬請保持關注秘銀的各個平台,並且在 Lit 挖取更多的秘銀幣。



