Why is VAULT Send useful to you| VAULT Send 的好處與優勢

Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2019

It is official — VAULT Send is online!

Experience it right now if you haven’t! The idea of VAULT Send has been well-received in our community since the day we announced it.

Many might wonder why the MITH team designed VAULT Send? We want to show you some of the benefits that VAULT Send brings to MITH ecosystem and the VAULT users:

Benefit 1: MITH Strategic Alliance can expand wider faster

The expansion of the MITH Merchant Network relied on connecting each system of different shops to VAULT so the challenge was greater. By launching VAULT Send, any stores can take MITH through VAULT Send as long as the merchants have a VAULT account.
Please contact us at contact@mith.io if you know anyone interested in accepting cryptocurrency payment at their stores. Every store will receive a “This shop supports MITH” badge upon taking part in the alliance.

Benefit 2: Convenient transfer for beginners

Tired of digging that long address you can never memorize? Despite that many crypto exchange and digital wallets have offered “one-click copy” or “QR Code” to make it “convenient”, is it really the most ideal solution? We believe the most viable way to send cryptocurrency is to skip all the complicated steps for you. All you need is the recipient’s contact. It is ok if you give him or her a wrong link, send again with the right one. Your digital assets will not disappear into thin air just because you copied a wrong address.

Benefit 3: Transaction fee is fixed and cheap

Crypto transactions solve the issues with international bank transfer in terms of time and service fees. Most crypto exchange and digital wallets charge a transaction fee at a certain percentage from the transaction amount, so users have to calculate how much they are paying for services, and it hurts more when a large amount is being transferred. VAULT Send charges a fixed cheap transaction fee for each transaction, so users can drop that calculator.

Benefit 4: Personalize your PIN

Have a little fun, be creative! Each transaction requires the sender to create a combination of 4 digits for each transaction. The password could be your birthday or the last 4 digits of your phone number. Maybe VAULT Send can be a test for your friendship with the recipient!

About VAULT Send

  1. Service fee is waived for the first 3 transactions every month.
  2. The Minimum is $1 USD, maximum $100 USD for each transaction.
  3. $500 USD maximum for 24 hours, $3,000 maximum for 30 days.

Note: A VAULT Send transaction is successful as long as a link is generated. The transaction fee will be deducted whether the recipient collects it or not.

4. The VAULT Send link expires in 24 hours. If the recipient does not collect the amount in 24 hours, the transaction will be invalid and the amount will be returned to the sender’s account.
Note: The service charge will not be refunded.

Stay tuned for more new features upcoming features!

VAULT Send 的好處與優勢

自從我們公佈了秘轉這個 VAULT 上的全新功能便獲得了來自社群的廣泛好評!秘轉現在已經正式上線,歡迎大家立刻去體驗!

相信大家一定很想了解為什麼團隊要設計秘轉這個功能?秘轉能為秘銀生態系以及 VAULT 用戶帶來什麼樣的好處?以下通通告訴你!


以前秘銀策略聯盟的拓展需要仰賴與店家的系統串接,因此難度較高,但是現在只要店主有 VAULT 帳號,透過秘轉功能,每個店家都可自行決定要不要接收秘銀!

我們歡迎有興趣接收秘銀的大小老闆立刻聯絡 contact@mith.io,加入秘銀策略聯盟、我們會寄送「本店支持秘銀幣」的貼紙給您!


數位資產長長的地址一直是讓人望而生卻的痛點之一,雖然眾多交易所與電子錢包都貼心地設計了「一鍵複製」、「QR Code」的方式讓大家使用上更無痛,但相信大部分的人在貼上以後還是會緊張兮兮地重複檢查。

VAULT Send 將複製貼上地址的步驟完全省略,要轉數位資產給友人?你只要有他的聯絡方式就可以!就算傳錯連結也沒關係、再傳一次就好,你的虛擬資產不會像複製錯地址一樣消失在宇宙的某個角落。





VAULT Send 秘轉相關資訊

  1. 用戶每個月前三筆秘轉免手續費
  2. 單筆秘轉金額限制:最低 1 USD、最高 100 USD
  3. 秘轉金額總量限制:24小時內 500 USD、30 天內 3000 USD


4. 秘轉連結會在24小時後過期,若沒有在24小時內領取,則該筆秘轉失效、秘轉的金額回到使用者 VAULT 帳戶。


VAULT 將會持續推出新功能,提供用戶更彈性、方便、人性化的方式管理自己的數位資產!

