Update — MITH goes ahead with its development plan for Q4|MITH Q4 發展計劃即將開始

Published in
1 min readSep 11, 2018

MITH goes ahead with its development plan for Q4.

MITH has received generous support from holders since it announced its roadmap for 2018–2019. Vault, the key project, will be revised in mid-September with its UI and processes optimized. In the upcoming Q4, Vault will undergo more improvements, including

  • Diverse payments,
  • Supporting Bitcoin and USDT.

Social Mining, MITH’s special feature, is not limited to Lit. MITH has reached out to several renowned social platforms, and expects to connect its APIs with these partners in Q4. MITH plans to extend the concept of social mining and realize the ideal that “creations have values”.


Update—MITH Q4 發展計劃即將開始!

暨日前公佈秘銀 2018–2019 發展計劃後,受到廣大持幣者的肯定。秘銀團隊的發展重點——金庫,更將於 9 月中推出全新改版,在使用介面與流程上做進一步的優化。面對即將來臨的 Q4,金庫功能將持續調整,包括有:

  • 支付多元化
  • 兌幣支援幣別將新增 Bitcoin、USDT

秘銀主打的「社交挖礦」,更不僅止於 Lit,從七月開始已與數家知名社交平台洽談合作,預計於 Q4 與合作夥伴串接後端 API;期望在未來可延伸社交挖礦的理念,落實「創作有價」的訴求。

