Update — MITH Listed on OEX

Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2018

We are pleased to announce that MITH is listed on OEX on 2018/10/12. Trading starts today.

OEX (www.oex.com) is one of the world’s famous digital asset trading platforms, belongs to OEX International PTE LTD., and its headquarter is based in Singapore. It provides global users with digital assets and derivatives trading services, such as Bitcoin and ETH. It is famous for its “high experience, high security, low threshold, and low formalities”. The industry has covered nearly 50 countries and regions in the world, supporting two trading areas of BTC and TC. It has won many awards such as the “Special Contribution Award in 2017–2018 Block Chain”.

OEX official website: https://oex.com/


秘銀很高興宣布我們於 2018/10/12 上架了 OEX 交易所,於今日開放交易。

OEX(www.oex.com)是全球著名的數位資產交易平臺之一,隸屬於 OEX International Limited.總部位於新加坡,為全球用戶提供比特幣、以太坊等數位資產及衍生交易服務,以「高體驗度、高安全性、低門檻、低手續費」等優勢聞名於業界,用戶遍佈全球近 50 個國家與地區,支持 BTC、TC 兩個交易區。曾榮膺「2017–2018 區塊鏈特別貢獻獎」等諸多獎項。

OEX 官方網頁:https://oex.com/

