User experience: Staking Really Works.

Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

We’ve received plenty of users asking us if MITH Staking really works.
Here’s an article written by a Taiwanese Lit user.

We had asked for his permission to translate his article and share it with our English community. Content below is quoted and translated directly from his article:

Staking 2,500 MITH- Level 7

I’m curious how many staking levels are there in total, but I don’t want to stake all my MITH just to test it out lol

Let’s see how the mining speed changes after staking:

Amount of MITH I get BEFORE staking:

I post about 4–5 pictures/ day, most of the pictures I post are what goes on through my day, I put quite a lot of effort in it, I’d say they are above average from other content I see on Lit.

To test the staking result, I had been only posting 2 pictures a day, and then I’ll compare the ones with the most views and likes to see if the staking really works.

Pic 1: View: 88 / Like: 42

Pic 2: View:118 / Like: 61

Total MITH mined:0.2774193548

Here’s the result AFTER staking:

Pic 1: View: 83 / Like: 37

Pic 2: View:113 / Like: 59

Total MITH mined:0.4006451613


See some growth after staking, from 0.277~0.400, increased about 44%. I guess it’s not that bad!

Original article:

