Stability in VAULT: Currency strategy reveal!|VAULT 好穩定 幣種策略大公開!

Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2019

Starting from December last year, MITH has kicked off strategic planning towards the digital wallet, VAULT.

A spectrum of stablecoin are now supported, including — USDT、TUSD、USDC、PAX、and DAI. This provides MITH owners a more diverse stable currency asset management.

Introduction to ERC20 stable currencies that VAULT supports:

The application of blockchain has been expanded to financial instruments, bank, big data, AI, logistics and etc. This has no doubt brought about broader spectrum of application for stablecoin. While exchange rate fluctuates, stable coin is the ideal resolution to the financial issues of blockchain.

VAULT provides a wide selection of stablecoin, creating a more convenient crypto-asset management means for risk-advent users. More addition of main-stream currencies are coming soon, so that owners of various currencies could get to know MITH through VAULT and thus enhancing MITH circulation on the market!


VAULT 好穩定 幣種策略大公開!

秘銀從去年12月起,針對電子錢包 VAULT 的支援幣種展開策略佈局,首先支援一系列 ERC20 的穩定幣,包含「法幣抵押的穩定幣」- USDT、TUSD、USDC、PAX 和 「虛擬資產抵押的穩定幣」-DAI,提供持幣者更多元的穩定幣資產管理。

VAULT 支援 ERC20 穩定幣介紹:


VAULT 提供多種穩定幣選擇,讓風險趨避用戶更便利管理虛擬資產。未來也將陸續新增更多主流幣種,讓不同虛擬貨幣的持有者透過 VAULT 認識秘銀,進而提升秘銀幣的市場流通性!

