VAULT Supports BTC now!|VAULT 開放支援 BTC!

Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2018

With great honor, MITH would like to break the news: as of today, VAULT starts supporting Bitcoins (BTC) for deposit and withdraw!

Bitcoins, the first cryptocurrency, adopts blockchain technologies to ensure its circulation security. MITH believes that the support of BTC will lead to an increasing number of applications for VAULT to play a more dynamic role in our lives.

Up to the present, VAULT has supported 6 cryptocurrencies namely MITH, ETH, BNB, MCX, BTC, and DAI and given users diverse trading options. MITH will continue to support more coins and shifting function to give users more convenience. Digital wallet experience made enjoyable by MITH!


秘銀很榮幸與大家宣佈:即日起,VAULT 正式開放支援比特幣(BTC),並搶先開放儲值、提領功能讓用戶體驗!

BTC 是最早出現的虛擬貨幣,透過區塊鏈達到去中心化的特性,確保其流通安全性。秘銀也相信支援 BTC 後,必能增加更多應用場景,讓 VAULT 在生活中有更多元化的使用。

截至目前為止,VAULT 已支援 MITH、ETH、BNB、MCX、BTC、DAI 共六個幣種,讓用戶有更多元的交易選擇。未來也將新增兑幣功能與支援更多虛擬貨幣,提升 VAULT 的多元性 ,提供用戶更為便利、簡易的電子錢包體驗!

