有秘銀的一日生活 會是什麼樣子?|What is life like with MITH?

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3 min readJan 4, 2019



第一位是在科技公司上班的小資上班族,聽說他和你我一樣,也是 PiePie 的重度使用者!快來看看他都怎麼用 PiePie 吧!

我是一個25歲的小資上班族,平常認真工作,假日則盡情放鬆!最喜歡和三五好友一起喝下午茶、看電影,享受愜意的休閒時光,也習慣透過 PiePie 分享、紀錄生活。如此使用 VAULT 消費時,可以直接使用在 PiePie 社交挖礦挖到的秘銀來折抵支付,不管是買咖啡、看電影、甚至做指甲,到處都能使用挖到的秘銀,無形之中減少了許多開銷!能夠透過一直以來「在社交軟體分享生活」的習慣來換取娛樂享受,真是小資女的開源節流好幫手!



我是有兩個小孩的家庭主婦,一手掌握家中所有的支出,家事做累時,我習慣跳韓國流行已久的「鄭多燕瘦身操」,邊累積消耗的卡路里邊挖礦,實在很有趣也很有成就感!偶爾想偷懶也會為了挖礦而繼續努力!運動累積的秘銀,還可以直接透過 VAULT 繳生活中的水電費用帳單,超級划算而且輕鬆又便利!另外偷偷告訴媽媽們:還可以使用 Shift 功能便利地轉換、管理資產,讓記帳更方便簡單!(我都跟小孩說他們大學學費都在 VAULT 裡啦!)



我是一個外商公司的總監,常常需要當空中飛人,到世界各地工作,放假時則喜歡帶孩子到世界各國旅行。我的時間寶貴,分秒必爭,出差時程緊湊,每次到各個國家都要到銀行兌換各國貨幣真的很不便利,還好有 VAULT,不論是買機票、升等坐艙,還是在國外用餐、購物,都可以透過 VAULT 輕鬆完成!最近聽說還出了「哩程數挖礦」,實在是空中飛人們的一大福音呀!另外,作為一個常常不在家的母親,VAULT 如同我的「貼身管家」,除了可以不受距離限制地發零用錢給小孩,還能從小教導他們如何管理自己的資產!



新的一年,秘銀將持續整合「社交、娛樂及生活」三大領域,除了與更多社交挖礦夥伴合作,用秘銀幣獎勵內容創作者,也將建構更多元的生活應用場景,讓秘銀生態系更加健全。2019 讓秘銀與你一起創造更多精彩吧!


Looking back on 2018, it was a year from zero to one for MITH. The MITH ecosystem was built for users to stake MITH from social mining and use in daily life. Looking ahead to 2019, I have different speculations for what MITH can create. Let’s interview three users from the future and take a sneak peek of what the life will be like with MITH!

MITH Lifestyle for nine-to-fivers

First, let’s hear from a girl in tech. She, like you and me, is a heavy user of PiePie! Let’s find out how she uses PiePie.

25 years old, I work hard and play hard! My favorite pastime would be an afternoon tea with friends or movies. I enjoy documenting my life and sharing it on PiePie. When I pay for coffee, movie tickets or even manicure via VAULT, I can choose to deduct the MITH I earned from using PiePie. This saved me quite some money. The habit of sharing my life on social media has earned me MITH to exchange for entertainment and enjoyment. A great way to save money!

MITH Lifestyle for Small Families

Coming up is a young mom. She may appear like a regular housewife taking care of all the triviality in the family but she has a “secret weapon” that moms in our times don’t have. It helps her in various ways. Let’s find out!

I am a stay-at-home mom of two, managing all expenses. When I am tired from chores, I watch fitness shows and workout! It is fun and satisfying to mine MITH while I burn extra calories! It motivates me to workout especially when I feel lazy! MITH earned from workouts can foot utility bills via VAULT. Easy, convenient and money-saving! Oh, a secret tip for fellow moms: I use “Shifting” to manage and transfer assets. It makes bookkeeping so simple! As I like to tell my kids, their college fund is safe in VAULT!

MITH Lifestyle for Businesspeople

Lastly, it is a great honor to have a director of an international corporation to share with us how to achieve balance and success at home and at work!

As a director in a global corporation, I am required to fly around the world for work but I also enjoy taking my children to different countries for vacation. My time is valuable and every second counts. It was very inconvenient to visit banks for foreign exchange before each business trip. Luckily with VAULT, I can book flight tickets or upgrade seats in the app. It also allows me to grab meals and shop in other countries. The “Mileage Mining” is especially a blessing for us frequent travelers! Moreover, as a mom who is often away from home, VAULT functions as my butler. I can give my kids pocket money anytime anywhere and start asset management education when they are little!

Does this interview of the three users from the future unleash your imagination? Mith tokens can be used in more scenarios including but not limited to global e-commerce, securing a ticket to the most popular concerts, paying at convenience stores or supermarkets or even forex investment! These are what I look forward to!

In the new year, MITH will keep integrating the three aspects, namely social, entertainment and living. In addition to collaborating with more social mining partners, and rewarding content creators with MITH, MITH will create more applications to complete the ecosystem. Get ready for an amazing 2019!




Content editor & marketing of Mithril. Highly interested in marketing, advertising and technology. Business inquiry: contact@mith.io