How to Be a Social Mining Role Model|社交挖礦優良使用範例

Published in
8 min readAug 23, 2018

Social Mining Role Models

Many of you resonated with the entry we’ve posted last week about social mining. We’ve also received requests about releasing certain photo/video examples as criteria for users to better understand what are considered “quality posts”.

User Behavior:

Lit discourages multiple stories with similar content. It is recommended that 1 story/video is uploaded for the same setting to avoid duplication.

In addition, the mechanism of social mining takes interaction points off when “viewers viewed too briefly or tapped like too fast”. Similar settings may lead to a brief view time or even the unwillingness to view post, which results in the decrease of interaction point performance.

We encourage quality posts and creations, and set no limits to the likes given out each day. However, our system still observes user behaviors and adjust in accordance to the likes given. For instance:

  1. If viewers tend to view briefly and give out likes in a heartbeat, this decreases the interaction points of the post;
  2. If the user views each post briefly while frequently giving out likes to each post, it is considered “like spamming”. The user level will consequently be degraded.


We encourage users to like whatever post you love, providing an incentive and reward for content creators. However, frequent and brainless likes will have a negative impact on social mining for both content creators and viewers.


We have three key points for you to take home:1. Quality photo (vivid, not blurry, in high resolution)2. Diversified themes3. Original and unique

In addition, video uploads from time to time are recommended in order to demonstrate your unique creativity and life.

To fully elaborate the outstanding examples that we adore, we have featured some role models below:

User 1

As you can see, these photos are vivid, not blurry and in high-resolution.

But of course we understand that not everyone owns an iPhone X or a superb photo editing skill, so here’s user number 2 as a reference.

User 2

Creators can find a place of his/her own on Lit.

All sorts of illustrations or creations are very welcomed on Lit.

It can be sketches in process or your masterpiece. Lit looks forward to art in any form: from pencil sketches, comics to oil paintings.

User 3

We also understand that not everyone paints. So Lit would love to see daily posts about life. It can be home living, kiddos, friend reunions, food, outings, night scenes.

Please do share your life with us — as long as the photo has a vivid theme!


上週釋出的社交挖礦文獲得了不少迴響,也收到用戶反應希望官方提供範例榜樣讓大家更有 Lit 的使用準則。


Lit 不鼓勵大量上傳相似的內容。因此若是在相同場景,會建議精選上傳一張貼文/影片。

此外,由於 Lit 的社交挖礦機制包含「觀看者瀏覽過快、按讚速度過快」會降低此觀看者給予的互動累積分數,而相似場景的貼文可能導致觀看者無意觀看、快速瀏覽,因此會影響到互動累積分數的表現。

為了鼓勵所有優質的貼文與創作,Lit 並沒有限制使用者每天能給的「讚」數。然而,後台系統仍然會觀察使用者的行為,並針對給讚的情況來做出調整。例如:

  1. 若觀看者的觀看與按讚速度過快,則此貼文的互動累積分數會較低。
  2. 若使用者本身觀看每則動態時間過短,並頻繁按讚每一篇動態,後台系統會將此判定為「刷讚」行為,降低使用者的用戶評級。








不過我們當然明白,不是所有人都有 iphoneX 或是高超的修圖技巧,因此我們挑選了用戶二作為第二種類型的範例。


創作家也可以在 Lit 找到自己的一片天地。

我們非常鼓勵各種插畫、創作出現在 Lit。

不論是勾勒中的草圖、亦或是完成稿;從素描、漫畫、到油畫等等,都是 Lit 期待看到的。

當然,也不是所有人都會畫畫。事實上,大多數 Lit 的用戶都是在分享自己的生活,而這樣生活化的貼文也是 Lit 期待看到的方向之一,生活化的貼文,可以注意「主題明確、照片清晰不模糊」的要點,用戶三大多數的貼文是符合這個要點的。


居家生活/小孩照/朋友聚餐/食物照/出遊/夜景。Lit 期待大家分享各自的生活,只要照片是清晰的、主題明確的,都是Lit鼓勵的貼文。

