Mitosis Expedition — LRT’s Cross-Chain Expansion

Mitosis Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2024



It’s been five weeks since Expedition Testnet concluded on March 19th. Again, we thank our community for actively participating in successfully closing the Testnet.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce Expedition’s Mainnet. We’ve prepared a lot, so please continue reading to learn more!

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Wait, first time with Expedition?

If you have not participated in the Testnet and are unfamiliar with Expedition, learn more about the campaign in the articles below:

🔗Unveiling Expedition: Mitosis LRT Campaign

🔗Expedition Testnet — The Explorer’s Handbook

🔗Expedition Documentation

Campaign Benefits

Expedition Mainnet offers LPs multiple yield sources and future benefits. LRT providers retain their EigenLayer and LRT underwriter points reward while earning MITO Points for future $MITO airdrops. Also, by holding miAssets, LPs will earn points from other DeFi applications, which will be integrated into Mitosis shortly. Let’s dive deeper into each of the benefits:

1. MITO Points

Expedition participants earn MITO Points by depositing LRTs and holding miLRTs. Accumulating MITO Points grants eligibility for Mitosis governance token ($MITO) airdrops. Expedite MITO Point earnings via multiple methods, including increasing the holding duration of miLRTs, completing Missions, and collecting Badges. Check here for more details on MITO Points.

2. EigenLayer Points

miLRT holders keep earning EigenLayer Points. In other words, LRT holders continue stacking up their EigenLayer points even after providing LRT to Mitosis.

3. EtherFi Loyalty Points (2x Boost)

Like EigenLayer Point retention, Mitosis eETH providers (or miweETH holders) keep earning their EtherFi Loyalty Points. Additionally, EtherFi offers a 2X boost on their point earnings for all miweETH holders participating in Expedition Mainnet.

4. Mitosis Vault

Mitosis optimizes its LP yield by allocating locked assets in various yield sources across multiple networks. Mitosis aggregates its multi-chain, multi-app token/point earnings into miAssets. In other words, users gain multi-chain DeFi exposure just by holding miAssets.

Mitosis Vault will operate full on-chain governance, with miAsset holders participating in deciding the Vault’s strategies. The Mitosis community will soon unveil more details.

Updates from Testnet

1. Product

1) Increased network support

The Expedition Mainnet supports the following five mainnet networks: Ethereum, Artibrum, Optimism, Manta, and Mode.

2) Referral feature added

Users can now enjoy additional MITO Point Boosts through the Expedition referral program.

The Referred Participants (those who join the campaign with a Referral Code) and the Referrers (those who provide the Referral Codes) are eligible for different Boosts. In addition, Referrers earn a % of their Referred Participants’ daily MITO Point earnings as Bonus Referral Points.

Referrers can increase this Bonus Referral Point % by collecting and leveling up their “Evangelist” Badges. Refer more friends to earn more Bonus Referral Points.

(Details on the Evangelist Badge:

Users must have their X accounts connected to the Expedition app to be eligible for the Referral benefits. As a preventive measure for abuse, the Mitosis Expedition app verifies the connected X accounts with read-only access to check if they’re at least one month old AND have at least ten followers. Also, Referred Participants must hold at least 0.1 miLRT to start enjoying the Referral Boosts.

3) Overall readjustment of Boost/Bonus MITO Point metrics

Please make sure to check the changes in our documentation.

4) Smart contract audits

Mitosis prioritizes keeping users’ assets safe. In the last two months, the team has worked with Secure3 on rigorous technical audit processes of the Mitosis smart contracts. Check the audit report here:

2. Exclusive Benefits — Community Collaboration Series

1) Discord Whitelists

The Mitosis Discord community is actively expanding and is fueled by participation from leading DeFi and NFT projects’ communities. To incentivize and reward the Mitosis Community Collaboration participants, Mitosis Discord offers exclusive roles to the following members:

  • EtherFi: eETH or eETH derivative holders (more details here)
  • Jumper: Users with Loyalty Pass Level higher than or equal to 4
  • Pendle: Users holding more than or equal to 0.1 vePendle
  • Pudgy Penguins: NFT holders
  • Cosmos NFT Collections (Bad Kids, Celestine Sloth, Mad Scientist): NFT holders

Members who have completed verification receive the relevant roles and respective Badges to earn Bonus MITO Points during Expedition Mainnet. The Badges are not currently claimable but will soon be updated on the Dashboard. More roles will be added as Mitosis announces more Community Collaboration with partner projects.

2) EigenLayer Point holders

Users with 100+ EigenLayer Points can unlock an extra MITO Point Boost. The Boost multiple (x) is proportionate to the user’s EL Point balance. Please note that only the EL Points earned via EtherFi are counted for eligibility for this Boost.

3. Exclusive Benefits — Expedition Testnet Participants

As previously announced, Expedition Testnet participants are entitled to exclusive benefits during the Mainnet. First, they enjoy Bonus Boost based on their Testnet Tiers:

  • Bronze: N/A
  • Silver: 1.10x
  • Gold: 1.15x
  • Platinum: 1.30x
  • Diamond: 1.50x

Second, users’ Testnet MITO Points carry over to Mainnet as Bonus Points. Check here to see how much you’re starting ahead.

Note: Users must use the same wallet address as Testnet to claim the benefits above. Neither Bonus Boost nor Bonus Points can be transferred to another address.

Coming Up Next

Expedition Mainnet is Mitosis’ first step towards its goal: redefining multi-chain liquidity for the modular era. We have lots of stuff in store to roll out in the coming months:

  1. Mitosis fundraising announcement
  2. Mitosis Vault launch
  3. Mitosis blockchain — incentivized public testnet
  4. Project Morse launch
  5. Mitosis blockchain — mainnet
  6. Mitosis cross-chain transfer launch

Join the Mitosis Community

Please follow our journey and provide your thoughts on our Discord and X. We’ll run regular AMAs & podcasts and provide other essential updates to keep you in the loop. Interested in how Mitosis works? Take a deeper dive into our technical documentation.

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