Dive into the MITRE Engage™ Official Release

Maretta Morovitz
MITRE Engage™
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

The MITRE Engage team is proud to announce the V1 release of engage.mitre.org, which went live the morning of February 28th. Last August, at the Def Con Packet Hacking Village, we released the beta version of MITRE Engage. We have been blown away by the community’s response! Thank you to everyone who sent us feedback, participated in a focus group or chatted with our team. We are deeply grateful for all of your support. And please, keep the ideas coming. We hope this official V1 release is just the beginning. But don’t worry, we know there has been a lot of change, so we will give V1 plenty of time to settle before our next release. Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the new MITRE Engage!

The Matrix is no longer our sole offering. As we hinted in our sneak peek blog post earlier this month, Engage is now built around 6 core areas: Matrix, Playbook, Process, Community, Standards, and Mindset. Click on each topic to dive into the various resources we offer. We know that all of these new tools can be overwhelming, so let’s break it all down.

When we set out to create MITRE Engage, we spent a long time considering our value proposition to the community. Adversary engagement has many diverse applications and an even wider user community. We wanted to make sure that we were focused on the unique challenges each of these various users face. Engage focuses on three distinct groups: defenders, decision makers, and vendors. Click on each user group to explore how Engage can support you.

We also recognize that getting started in adversary engagement can be overwhelming. To help support newcomers across all three user groups, we created the Engage Starter Kit. This kit was designed to help you mature from learning the basics through integrating adversary engagement as part of a larger defensive cyber strategy. At each step, we include content and related resources to support your learning. So dive in and start learning!

While these additional resources are designed to support your work in adversary engagement, the Engage Matrix remains at the core of our offerings. Want to learn more about the Matrix? Explore our full description here.

One of the new additions we are most excited about is the Engage Matrix Explorer. Using the new Explorer, you can filter the Matrix to understand how adversary behavior offers the defender opportunities for engagement. You can filter the Matrix by MITRE ATT&CK® Tactic, Technique, or Group.

Additionally, you can drill down to learn more about individual Engage Activities. For example, click here, for a detailed look at the Software Manipulation activity. For each activity you will find relevant information such as the definition, reference links and associated adversary behavior information. You might notice that references are new to this Engage release. These references give us an opportunity to look at implementation examples from the research community. We are still working to build up our collection of references, so please reach out to engage@mitre.org with new contributions!

The community truly helped us to build Engage. Therefore, we wanted to create a space to showcase the interesting and groundbreaking work you all do. We created the Engage Community Spotlight for just this reason. We will regularly update this page, so send us articles, blogs, videos, etc. Vendors, please note, we cannot accept purely promotional material.

Ready to dive in to all the content? Check out all of our tools, and start exploring.

We are truly grateful for the support and interest we have received from the community. Please continue to send us feedback. Want to collaborate with the Engage team? Find us on LinkedIn or send us an email at engage@mitre.org. And if you’re interested in Engage for commercial use, contact us.

Happy deceiving :)

The Engage Team

©2022 The MITRE Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited PR_21–01759–17.

