Where to find MITRE Engage at AISA Cyber Conference 2022

MITRE Engage
MITRE Engage™
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2022

The MITRE Engage team is excited to be packing our bags and heading to Australia for the AISA Cyber Conference. Special thanks to the ACDA for inviting us to attend and co-speaking with us!

And while we will make sure to find time to checkout the kangaroos and take a selfie with a quokka, we are excited to meet up with the folks working in the cyber denial, deception, and adversary engagement space in Australia. Our goals for this trip are twofold:

  1. Learn more about the work happening in the Australian adversary engagement community and find opportunities to collaborate internationally
  2. Learn more about how MITRE Engage can better support the Australian adversary engagement ecosystem

Throughout our time in Australia we will be in listening mode, trying to meet with and hear from as many folks in the Australian adversary engagement community as possible. The team will be in country starting on 10/6 through 10/14, so reach out to engage@mitre.org to schedule time to meet the team.

Going to be at AISA Cyber Conference? Make sure to attend one of our talks. We would love to hear your thoughts! Send us an email at engage@mitre.org to schedule a time to chat in person at the conference!

Times subject to change. Will update as we hear from the conference. Current schedule can be found here: https://cyberconference.com.au/images/pages/program/pdf/AISA-MELBOURNE-CyberCon-FULL-PROGRAM.pdf

Panel: Andrew Cox, Maretta Morovitz, Helaine Leggatt, and Michelle Price

Main Stage on 10/11 from 16:40–17:20

Come join us for a discussion on how data loss intelligence acquired through adversary engagement enables evidence-based assessment of the risk of data loss from both internal systems and supply chains

Talk: Andrew Cox , Maretta Morovitz

Threat Intelligence Room 203 on 10/12 from10:00–10:40

Listen in as we discuss approaches to leverage adversary engagement throughout the lifecycle of a malicious cyber incident.

Panel: Dan Brett, Ben Whitham, Dr. Stanley Barr, and Gabby Raymond

Main Stage on 10/12 from 11:10–11:50

Come join us for a discussion on the latest trends in adversary engagement in the US, UK, and Australia

Talk: Maretta Morovitz, Dr. Stanley Barr, and Gabby Raymond

Technical Room 105 on 10/13 from 14:40–15:20

We believe that adversary engagement is the next big disruptor in cyber security. But we need a coalition of the willing to help the community better understand and test the value proposition this technology has to offer. Join us for a discussion on MITRE Engage and how your organization can operationalize the Engage principals. Engage was built to start the conversation. We need organizations like yours to keep it going.

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MITRE Engage
MITRE Engage™

MITRE Engage is a framework for discussing and planning adversary engagement, deception, and denial activities.