Welcome to the MITRE Shield Blog!

Christina Fowler
MITRE Shield
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2020

Welcome to the MITRE Shield blog! Our team is excited to have another way to start conversations about the use of active defense, Cyber deception, and adversary engagement.

The MITRE Shield team is made up of security practitioners who use active defense techniques to defend our organization’s network. We hope to share our knowledge of how we apply those techniques in an informative and helpful manner. Writing blog posts is not our “day” job, so we recognize that they may not be as polished as sites with dedicated teams. We will strive to bring you content on a wide range of topics and from various points of view. There are lots of opinions and solutions and we know that we don’t have all the answers, but our goal is to continue the conversations we started with the MITRE Shield website.

We will soon be publishing our first full blog post which will give some additional use cases for MITRE Shield. Following that we will step back and address some of the most common questions we received after the launch of the MITRE Shield website. If you have any topics you would like to see, feel free to share those with us at shield@mitre.org.

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Christina Fowler
MITRE Shield

Chief Cyber Intel Strategist, MITRE Shield Team Member