Introducing, Containers | The Chat API Reimagined Blog
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3 min readFeb 19, 2019 was created to give developers more control & flexibility than any other chat platform offers, so that they can build precisely the chat apps they want to, and do it their way.

No limitations, no compromises, no second thoughts.

While the platform, with its flexible and low-level tooling, offers you control in how you build apps, we wanted to extend that control over to how you use the platform itself.

That’s why today, we’re going beyond just providing you great APIs and SDKs. Today, we’re working towards delivering the entire platform to you, in a Docker container. 🐳

What are Docker Containers?

Docker is a containerisation technology that has made it incredibly easy and simple for developers to package, build and deploy their applications on any cloud, device or bare metal servers. You can read all about the significance of why that matters, here. now ships in a Docker Container that you simply pull, set up, and self-host. This gives you incredible control over how the platform works with your existing services, the ability to configure it to be more secure than any cloud-hosted/managed solution, and the flexibility to easily make changes to your overall setup without ever getting locked-in.

So I can’t use your cloud-hosted APIs anymore?

No. You can sign-up to use our cloud-hosted APIs right here.

We understand that different developers have different preferences, and for those who just want a completely managed solution to experiment or play with (or are just more comfortable using a cloud API) we have you covered. Like we said — complete flexibility.

Note: With the cloud-hosted APIs, you can try every part of the platform.
(This isn’t a ‘demo’ version)

While you can use it to build production-grade apps, you might want to reach out to us if your app will be transacting more than 10 million messages a month, so that we can provide you the right kind of support.

Is this for real?

Yup. If you’re worried about whether we’ll come through, just know that we run in containers ourselves! In fact, the cloud-hosted APIs are exposed from this very set-up!

Over the next few weeks, we simply need to run some rigorous tests to ensure that all the boring problems of container logistics and scale and whatnot are fixed, before letting them out into the wild!

Why would I use a container over a public API?

Simple: containers will give you a lot more control over integrations, a lot more choices for what kind of components you can connect to, and more fine-grained control over the security and privacy of your messaging service & data — a top concern for devs, enterprises and customers alike.

Containerisation is also seeing massive adoption because of how much it simplifies building and managing applications (and deployments).

  • Containers offer devs immense control over their development pipelines
  • And solutions like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm help you manage it all with ease

All of these benefits also apply to your setup and make your overall experience far superior to just using it via a public API.

Sounds good! Where do I sign up?

Our website. Click a button, enter your email, and voila!

We’ll notify you as soon as your Container is baked and ready!

I want to understand better first

And you should! You can sign up for API access on our website and check out:

  • The entire platform and all its features
  • The developer dashboard, which makes setting up apps as easy as clicking a few buttons
  • The documentation, which shows you how to build your first app for the web and mobile (Android/iOS) alongside everything else about the platform

The bottom line

We are going all out to provide developers like you all the control you could wish for when building chat applications and next-gen communication products and services — whether its for a side project, a new business, or a new product for an existing business.

And we hope you’re just as excited about it as we are.

If you have any questions or require any sort of assistance, feel free to reach out to us at


-- | The Chat API Reimagined Blog

Think outside the chat bubble! Build amazing apps & experiences around a new messaging core to power your real-time digital communications.