MIX hard-fork at #3,000,000

Jonathan Brown
MIX Blockchain
Published in
1 min readOct 27, 2018

MIX Blockchain will hard fork at block 3,000,000. This will occur on approximately Monday, 5th November 2018.

What do I need to do?

If you are running a MIX full node you will need to update your software. You will either be running Parity or Geth.


The MIX chain specification has been updated. Download the latest version here. This is probably a good time to update to the latest stable Parity release.

parity --chain mix.json


The stock Geth software will not be able to sync the MIX blockchain after the hard fork. A custom version of Multi-geth is required. Download here.

geth --mix --datadir ~/.mix-geth

If you are accessing rpc.mix-blockchain.org or rpc2.mix-blockchain.org, you do not need to do anything.

If you are holding MIX in any kind of wallet, you do not need to do anything.

Why is this hard fork occurring?

The primary reason is that the difficulty bomb is currently causing the MIX block time to be 45 seconds instead of 15. This is reducing the miner’s profit and is not in line with the issuance schedule. This hard fork will disable the bomb forever. The block reward will remain at 5 MIX.

This hard fork also has the important EVM upgrades from the Byzantium hard fork that Ethereum had a year ago.

