Reinventing the SEO-Content approach to harness the power of Generative AI Search

Mixed Marketing & Technology
6 min readJul 7, 2023

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential to thrive in the ever-evolving search landscape. It is crucial to reinvent the SEO-content approach to adapt to the evolving user behaviour. In this article, I have tried presenting my thoughts based on the last few tests I did with SGE and posts by industry experts I read on the internet.

Embracing Subject Matter Expertise

In today’s digital landscape, it is essential for businesses to recognize that content, UX and SEO have to go hand in hand. It is crucial to incorporate subject matter expertise wherever possible. By doing so, we can create a more impactful and valuable experience for our readers.

To achieve this,

  1. writers must break free from conventional thinking and adopt a reader’s perspective. By approaching content creation with a fresh and curious mindset, we can deliver information that truly resonates with our audience.
  2. Collaborate — collaboration with sales and partnership teams is also vital in enriching content with real, practical insights. While we should strive to differentiate ourselves from competitors, our focus should primarily be on providing information that aligns with our business’s unique value proposition. By working closely with these teams, we can infuse our content with valuable insights that our target audience will find genuinely useful.
  3. Demonstrate the brand’s value — one way of doing that is to understand the user’s journey and showcase how we contribute to it concerning the topic at hand. Whether it’s through incorporating expert advice, sharing real user testimonials highlighting the ups and downs in the journey, or through videos that are produced by the organization itself.
  4. Furthermore, consider expanding content strategy to thought leadership and long form articles that not only establish our brand as a knowledgeable authority but also have the potential for digital PR opportunities. These pieces should delve deeper into industry trends, provide comprehensive analysis, and offer actionable insights. Make use of the data that you have.

Taking cues from the posts I read in the last few days

  1. Adding a layer of expertise — an effective way to add a layer of expertise to our content is by highlighting insights from industry experts.

A fantastic example comes from, where they prominently showcase their experts.

Meet the experts by Livingcozy

As a user, I find this approach incredibly trust-building and it adds significant value to the content. By featuring expert contributions, we can elevate the credibility and reliability of our own content.

2. Utilizing Custom Images: Custom images can serve as powerful tools to summarize key points in our content. Take a cue from mailchimp, which consistently employs custom images in its blog posts.

This approach offers multiple benefits.

  • Firstly, it enhances the digestibility of the content, making it even easier for readers to consume.
  • Secondly, these images can act as mini-infographics, potentially generating backlinks and brand mentions.
  • Lastly, with the growing prominence of image search in platforms like Google, using custom images increases the chances of our content ranking higher and attracting more visibility.

3. Incorporating video into content — Videos have the unique ability to convey emotions, narratives, and visual demonstrations effectively. By integrating videos into our content, we can create a more immersive and memorable experience for our audience, thereby increasing their interest and involvement.

Elevate content quality

  1. Prioritize Quality over Quantity: It’s essential to be willing to reduce the volume of content if it means maintaining a high level of quality. Our content should always meet the expectations of our readers. If you come across any gaps in information or areas where quality is compromised, don’t hesitate to rewrite the piece.
  2. Revitalize Old Content: Take the time to revisit our previous content, such as blogs, articles, and guides, and assess why it may not be performing as expected, despite addressing a strong topic. Look for potential issues such as outdated information, information gaps, or opportunities to add more depth and details. By rewriting and republishing these pieces, we have the chance to breathe new life into them and improve their performance. More often than not, this strategy proves successful, with a positive outcome around 7 out of 10 times.

Optimize media for enhanced performance

  1. Embrace Visuals: Incorporate visuals such as images and videos whenever possible. It’s not always necessary for these visuals to be professionally designed.
  2. Leverage Existing Material: Don’t overlook the potential of utilizing existing material related to your topic. Collaborate with various teams within your organization, such as Social Media, Paid Media, and Video teams, to see if they have relevant content that can be incorporated into your own. By tapping into this existing inventory, you can add depth and variety to your content while potentially expanding your search visibility.
  3. Consider using the webp format for your images. This format offers efficient compression and faster loading times, enhancing the overall user experience.
  4. Take the time to update the meta information associated with your images and videos.

Harnessing the power of “<brand> Originals”

In our pursuit of creating compelling content, we must recognize the invaluable insights that our customer-facing teams possess. These teams are the information warehouses directly connected to end users and regularly immersed in market trends. They would know the market trend, user queries earlier than we research. So “collaborate” with them. Take training. See how much and to what extent you can pull information from them. This collaboration will enable us to create content and graphics that not only capture search demand but also resonate strongly with our audience. Here are a few ideas that I believe will always do well.

  • Testimonials or reviews (audio/video/textual)
  • An extensive list of frequently asked questions pertaining to brand’s propositions, services or even the industry at large. This positions us as a reliable source of information and a trusted partner in their decision-making process.
  • Tap into the expertise of leaders within our customer-facing teams. Encourage them to share their knowledge through thought-provoking content pieces. This not only adds depth and authority to our content but also showcases the wealth of knowledge within our organization.

Optimize for “Perspective” too

Introducing a new tab that displays answers from social media and the community can significantly boost click-through rates and engagement with organic social posts and YouTube videos.

To fully leverage this “perspective” feature, collaboration between SEO and social media is essential. Here’s how we can achieve it:

  1. Choose a topic
  2. Optimize posts by incorporating relevant keywords that resonate with our chosen topic.
  3. Include links to relevant blog within social media posts and vice versa.
  4. Enhance the blog posts by embedding existing YouTube videos that are relevant to the topic. Likewise, embed blog posts within our YouTube video descriptions.
  5. Optimize YT/Tiktok videos including identifying key moments, crafting compelling titles and descriptions, and incorporating relevant links.

Maximize website engagement — a vital priority

Elevating website engagement is crucial for success. To achieve this, it is essential to address the drop-off rate among the known/unknown users. By analyzing where and why they are leaving, we can make targeted improvements. By reviewing recordings and heatmaps, we can gather valuable data-driven insights to guide our decision-making process. Furthermore, adopting a “mobile-first approach” is paramount. Relying solely on desktop data when making decisions is a grave mistake. Mobile usage is prevalent, and neglecting this user segment can hinder our ability to optimize engagement effectively.

By recognizing the shifting dynamics of search engines and user behavior, we have the opportunity to position ourselves at the forefront of digital marketing success. Embracing innovative strategies and tactics, such as optimizing for voice search, creating valuable and engaging content, and leveraging data-driven insights, we can amplify our online presence and drive meaningful organic traffic. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing search landscape, let us remain agile, adaptable, and open to embracing future advancements.

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