Becoming a Mixed Methods contributor

Interested in helping us shape Mixed Methods? Here are a few things to help you get started!

Ania Mastalerz
Mixed Methods
2 min readMay 15, 2018


What is the Mixed Methods publication about?

Our publication is written by UX researchers for UX researchers. We want to create a space where those working in the field can learn about best practices, tools, methodologies, events and ways to get more involved in the community. We aim to publish reputable content that is open, honest and trustworthy.

All ideas are welcome. If you’re new to the field, or have little to no experience writing — don’t be shy! We’ll work with you to fine-tune and refine your piece into something you can be proud of.

What are we looking for?

Our mission is to educate and inspire. We welcome submissions from a range of authors and value diversity of thought, over seniority and expertise. Some things to keep in mind as you consider your submission:

  • From full drafts to ideas, we consider all submissions on a case by case basis. Consider refining your idea as much as possible before submitting to speed up the process.
  • Articles, listicles, reviews, guides — we welcome content in a variety of formats. We love to experiment!
  • Our stories aim to be between 800–1,600 words. Want to submit a larger piece or series? Let’s chat.

Working with us

As a contributor, you’ll work with our Editors to build and refine your post into something we’ll be proud to publish. We’ll work with you on editing content and ensuring the voice and tone of your piece are consistent with the publication. We’ll also recommend any relevant illustrations or graphics, and help in sourcing these if necessary.

Have an idea?

➡️ Submit it here!

We’ll be in touch with next steps.

Looking for inspiration? Our wonderful Slack community is a goldmine of potential topics. Explore commonly asked questions to get a sense of areas you may like to cover!



Ania Mastalerz
Mixed Methods

Cześć, mam na imię Ania. Design Research Manager @xero. Previously @optimalworkshop. 🏂 + 🌿 enthusiast. Continuously caffeinated. ☕️