Interracial | Pregnancy | Erotica

Wombs as Reparations — Chapter 14

Inclusive Pregnancy
Mixed Pregnancy Stories
7 min readMar 2, 2023


Hello, and welcome to the Mixed Pregnancy Stories publication. This article is Chapter 14 of a series called “Wombs as Reparations,” an erotic story about a sweet, young girl and her journey towards racial, and sexual liberation. If you haven’t read Chapter 1, you can do so by clicking here.

Harold kept thrusting into his soon-to-be bride as she laid on her back like a starfish. She couldn’t help but wonder how long this was going to last.

“Oh yeah, you like that baby?” he let out as he pushed faster, almost shaking with excitement.

“Mhmm,” Steph replied, lacking the motivation to add any enthusiasm. Too bad she didn’t wear a watch on her wrist.

Her tits bounced back and forth with each thrust, and she had to hold her belly tight so it wouldn’t hit her in the face. She could barely see over the thing, but she wasn’t complaining. Harold wasn’t much of a looker.

She continued, “Hey, finish on my chest, will you?”

Harold stopped for a bit. “C-can I do it on your stomach?”

Shelby nodded reluctantly. She didn’t like the fact that he was finishing on another man’s “trophy.” He didn’t even get her pregnant, so why should he get to celebrate?

As she was about to say something, Harold ripped his dick out and splooged all over her enormous belly. He moaned as his baby gravy dripped down the sides of her very pregnant belly. Thank god there wasn’t a lot of it.

“Oh god, I love you, Stephanie,” he cried as his hands caressed her bump.

Aw, that’s so sweet. Maybe this whole thing would work out after all. He was such a nice guy.

“Me too, love,” she replied with a heartwarming smile. “Now go get me a towel.”

As soon as he left for the bathroom, she rolled over to grab her phone. After taking a picture of her bare belly covered in jizz, she texted Shelby.

“Are you free tonight? I have to tell you something.”

“What are you looking at?” Harold asked with a towel in hand.

“Just talking to a friend.” She responded without even looking up.

“Let me guess… it’s the guy who knocked you up?”

Stephanie rolled her eyes. “No, it’s a woman. Don’t get your panties in a wad.”

Harold went to work cleaning up his “gift.”

“You have such a beautiful belly,” he remarked as his hands rubbed it lovingly.

“Thanks. Are you done?” she replied.

Harold looked confused. “Uh, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she replied. Spoiler: She wasn’t.

“Something’s up. What’s wrong?” He continued.

“I just have a lot of things going on right now, okay?” she said as she turned on her side. It was exhausting holding her heavy belly in place for so long. She needed a rest.

“Harold crawled into bed and hugged her from behind. For whatever reason, this made her feel sick to her stomach. She felt like she was about to throw up.

“Uh, actually, I’m going to see a friend.” she blurted out, frantically getting to her feet and gathering her clothes.

“C’mon, Stephanie. I can tell something is up. Was it not good for you?”

“Oh no, it was great!” she replied while trying to fit her shirt over her milk-filled boobs and beach-ball-sized belly. Unfortunately, it kept riding up above her pronounced belly button. This thing was growing way too fast.

“O-okay, well, who are you going to see.”

Now she was getting annoyed. “Look, it’s just a friend, okay? Stop being so controlling!” she screamed while easing into her tight skirt.

“Sorry, sorry. I’m just curious. I hope you have a great day!” Harold replied.

“You too,” she said while closing the door, not even looking back at him.

Later that day, Steph found herself waddling up the stairs to Shelby’s apartment. Two Black guys passed her, whistling and congratulating her on her accomplishment.

“Thanks! They’re mixed!” She replied happily, patting her tummy.

After she finally found her friend’s front door, she knocked and waited eagerly to tell her the big news.

“Oh. My. GOD! Are you serious?! He’s going to MARRY you?!” Shelby yelped.

Steph nodded before taking another sip of ginger ale. She really missed the taste of wine, Champaign, and everything else that made her clothes fall off.

“So, like… he knows you’re pregnant, right? And you’re carrying another man’s baby?!”

Again, Steph confirmed as her belly bounced up and down from chuckling.

“Girl, you have hit the LOTTERY! So not only did you get a sexy man to knock you up, but now some nice guy is gonna pay for it?! You NEED to teach me your secrets!”

Stephanie laughed again before setting her empty glass down.

“Maybe I could teach you a thing or two, as long as you tell me how you stay so beautiful with such a big tummy,” she replied while putting her belly right up against Shelby’s.

Shelby blushed before putting her hands all over her friend’s stomach

“Well, first, you need a good stretch mark creme. Do you know how to apply it?”

“Ugh, I have NO idea!” she groaned. “Could you teach me?” Steph continued, lifting up her shirt to expose her glowing pink tummy.

“Oh, I think that can be arranged,” Shelby replied with a wink before waddling over to her nightstand.

“But before I do that, let me text Jay,” she said as she pulled out her phone.

Stephanie looked confused. “Who’s Jay?”

Shelby laughed. “He’s the man who did this to me,” she replied as she gestured toward her massive bump. It shook up and down as she giggled.

“I’m sure he’d love to meet another snow bunny.”

Stephanie blushed so hard that she had to turn away.

“But in the meantime,” began Shelby, waddling over to her friend. “we could make ourselves comfortable.”

They both leaned in for a kiss in the same instant. Stephanie couldn’t get enough of her soft lips and put her right hand behind Shelby’s head. They had to embrace each other at an angle because their bellies were so big. Steph’s left boob pressed against Shelby’s right, and their tummies seemed to morph into one.

The two found themselves on Shelby’s couch, their lips connected and their shirts scattered on the floor. Steph helped Shelby take off her bra until her tits were finally free. Shelby returned the favor and started rubbing her lover’s nipples slowly but firmly. Steph caressed her friend’s pronounced belly button, pinching it with her fingers and rubbing it like she was trying to get a stain out.

Shelby started moaning and shaking with anticipation, her eyes closed as tight as a drum, and she had to hold her belly with one hand to keep it from shaking.

Shelby pulled her lips away and looked her lover up and down. “Just look at this. Two snow bunnies with Black bred bellies. Your dad would be so ashamed.”

Steph felt a sense of absolute horror at the thought of her father finding out about her real baby-daddy. But it turned made her panties absolutely drenched. Her pussy was wetter than an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

“Oh yeah?” Steph replied, begging her to go on.

Shelby continued. “Your racist dad is gonna be so pissed that his bloodline is ending. His own daughter let a Black man get her pregnant. All that work, for all those years. All for nothing. He’ll be so traumatized that He’ll probably start letting his wife have sex with Black men.”

Steph was gushing and couldn’t contain herself. She threw off her skirt and panties and started fingering herself, almost screaming with pleasure.

Shelby went on while rubbing her lover’s belly. “And this is only the beginning. You’re gonna be a Black breeding factory. I can see it in your eyes. You want this. As soon as you get a flat stomach again, you’re gonna miss having a massive, bulging belly filled with America’s future. You’re gonna miss being the walking evidence that this country is changing, and the change is happening through white wombs.”

“Oh my god!” Steph shrieked, shaking so bad that her tummy was hitting her partner. Shelby grabbed the belly with both hands and kissed it, reassuring her that she’ll be okay.

Shelby reached over and grabbed her stretch mark creme. “Now, I promised to show you how to avoid stretch marks. You want a beautiful, smooth tummy like me, don’t you?”

Steph nodded, rubbing her clit even faster and panting with each stroke.

“Good. So the first step is getting enough lotion to cover your tummy. And I’ll need a lot for mine. So I’ll squeeze out about this much.” The pile of lotion on her hand looked to be the size of a grape.

“Now, you want to rub your hands together,” she said, while Steph nearly had tears of joy mixed with mascara streaming down her face.

“And you want to start with the area around your belly button,” Shelby said as she put her hands on the front of her gut. “You want to focus on covering the area near your belly button and on the bottom. Those are the areas most prone to stretch marks.” She continued while rubbing her belly slowly, spreading the lotion across her entire bump.

“There, all done. Now your turn!”

Shelby put even more creme into her hands, rubbed them together, and went to work on Stephanie’s belly. This sent Steph into a primal sense of pleasure, her eyes closed and teeth clenched, nearly crying; she was so overwhelmed.

Shelby kept rubbing the lotion over her lover’s belly, giving some tips and tricks while Steph kept shaking and rubbing her clit faster and faster.

“Careful, you need to save some for Darren.” Shelby quipped.

Shelby stopped. Wait… Darren?! The same guy from the protest?!

Just as she was about to ask, they heard a knock at the door.

Thank you for reading Chapter 14 of Wombs as Reparations! We couldn’t do this without your passion and support, and if you’d like to get notified when we post the next chapter, feel free to follow us!



Inclusive Pregnancy
Mixed Pregnancy Stories

I’m a writer who is passionate about pregnancy, social justice and equity.