Coming up in 3 days: $150,000 Mixin Network Developer Competition

Mixin Evangelist
Mixin Network
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2018

Mixin Network, the new generation transaction network that offers solutions for all levels of folks who need instant transaction with all kinds of tokens, is planning a developer competition to offer all developers who has years of blockchain development the best platform to show their talent.

This competition will be unveiled on Nov.14, 2018 (UTC + 8)

It has been more than one year since Mixin Network was established, and done more than a comprehensive transaction network, but also changed the traditional transaction status with its social & DApp network.

It supports 13 blockchains, over 50,000 cryptocurrencies, and full-featured bots in entertainment, shopping, payment, media, exchange, etc.

Till now, one-second transaction in Mixin Messenger & OceanOne, 100 million transactions, cumulated crypto assets over $50 million, and deep interaction of social and blockchain technology connection in Mixin Network ecosystem work greatly and have served more than 3 million users.

Mixin Nework has made a great progress, but that’s just a part of Mixin Network’s vision.

There is still a long road in the sitemap of Mixin Network. And with this developer competition, Mixin Network can help contribute on wider fields with blockchain technologies applied like welfare, medical treatment, e-government etc.

Respectable Rewards for Winners

Mixin Network expends much care and thought on this competition and prepares respectable reward for prominent developers.

There will be totally 1000XIN (equals to $150,000) set in the reward pool, and the first prize can even win 300XIN (equals to $45,000). Besides rewards, developers will gain cutting-edge development skills from the first-tier developers.

The founding team including Cedric Fung, CEO & founder of Mixin Network, former founder of SHOU.TV, VItamio etc., Li Lin, Director of Mixin Labs powered by Mixin Network, Ju Huo, CTO of, former co-founder of GinkgoTek, will give exclusive development guide for the participants in this competition.

Mixin Network Developer Competition will definitely bring a precious experience for the beginners with enthusiasm about blockchain and experienced developers.

Grand Judge Panel

Mixin Network is honored to gain the endorsement from prestigious lecturers and investors in blockchain and cryptocurrency fields, who will be in as the judges in this competition.

Jeffrey Wernick, early bitcoin investor who has been successful in betting in favor of startups and cryptocurrencies before their mass success.

Joseph Liu and Jiangshan YU, professors & senior lecturers of cyber security in Monash University, all of them will make fair judgement for the entries based on the value of blockchain project, technical realization, commercial values and innovation of project.

This competition is about to start and will last for more than 1 month. Time to start the plan for competition. Early birds catch worms!

Find more infos about Mixin Network in:

Gitter, Github, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Youtube, Bitcointalk

