Developer Interview: Ivan Fedorov- The future will be in some other form, not in the way we used to see

Lin Li
Mixin Network
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2019

Many developers have build applications on Mixin Network. We will interview these awesome developers.

The GitHub address of this developer is if1242. He created Mixinkeys and win excellent prize in Mixin Network online competition.

Lilin: Could you please introduce yourself?

Ivan: My name is Ivan Fedorov, I graduated from the magistracy of the university of aerospace instrumentation in St. Petersburg (SUAI). Currently I work in a company that develops software for telecom operators. In addition, my hobbies are blockchain and the Internet of things.

Lilin: When did you start learning programming?

Ivan: I started learning programming at the beginning 2008, when I studied at school.

Lilin: What programming software do you use every day? Such as IDE, debugger

Ivan: I use a fairly extensive range of software for development, it all depends on the programming language used. I like to use Geany and Vim to write simple scripts, as well as Jetbrains company products for developing high-tech solutions.

Lilin: What hardware do you use every day?

Ivan: A laptop Lenovo Z50–70.

Lilin: How did you know Mixin Network? From which channel?

Ivan: I saw the announcement of the Mixin Developers Competition on the site ( and decided to participate.

Lilin: Why you wanted to develop this project?

Ivan: It seemed to me that such a solution is not enough on the market today and it could be useful to the end user. Also, I wanted to try to develop something for Mixin Network.

Lilin: What is the language and frame work used in the project? When did you learn them?

Ivan: I used HTML, PHP and JavaScript to write the client part and Arduino programming language for smartlock prototype. I learned all this at university.

Lilin: Is there any feeling when you build this project?

Ivan: I am always inspired to create something new. You can work long and hard, sacrificing sleep and entertainment, but when you see the result and you realize that you have everything worked out, it’s just a magical feeling, it’s impossible to pass it on! I think many developers will understand me.

Lilin: Any income or achievement for Mixin Network?

Ivan: I won excellent prize:)

Lilin: Any suggestions for Mixin Network?

Ivan: I think that it is worth further expanding the possibilities for developing applications in various programming languages, creating a new API, and conducting new contests. It all will contribute to the development.

Lilin: What do you think about the future use of digital assets?

Ivan: I think this is the future. Perhaps they will be used in some other form, not in the way we used to see it, but it will develop further.

Lilin: What languages, tools, and books would you recommend to developers of other apps?

Ivan: It is difficult to recommend something specific. Use in development those tools that you like the most and you know best of all or those with which you would like to work and improve your knowledge. In my opinion, it is better to use official documentation as resources for learning a particular programming language or utility.


Mixin Network prepare many resources for developer. Here is a resource index.

