Developer Interview: Ang Lee From structural engineers to ruby programmer

Yasmine Moustatia
Mixin Network
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2018

Ang Lee: From structural engineers to ruby programmer

Mixin network has a lot of developers, we will continue to interview them, let them tell their stories, hope those stories can help other developers.

The github address of this developer is

Lilin: Could you please introduce yourself ?

My name is Li An, I studied civil engineering and worked as a structural engineer for 5 years in an Architectural Design Institute. Since last year, I have studied Ruby for a while, and then I have just joined an Internet startup company and become a programmer. In the weekends and the nights after work I write some personal projects the most recent one is

Lilin: When did you start learning programming?

I started learning programming at the beginning of 2017 when I was still working as a structural engineer.

Lilin: What programming software do you use every day? Such as IDE, debugger *

My current work is mainly for web development and WeChat applet development. Usually I use atom, iTerm, Google Chrome, WeChat applet developer tool, Dash.

Lilin: What hardware do you use every day?

Macbook Pro and Nut R1.

Lilin: How did you hear about Mixin Network? from which channel?

I heard about it for the first time at the end of 2017. At that time, there were a lot of invitations about Mixin in my circle of friends. Later, I learned that the project was changed to be based on Mixin, and I began to pay attention.

Lilin: Why you wanted to develop this project?

I have switched to the Internet industry from the traditional construction industry. The main reason is that I have a strong curiosity about the new things that drive the world’s development. I always hope to participate in it in some way. After the release of Mixin’s developer documentation, I have been looking for time to look at it and see what I can do. Until July of this year, I spent about a week in my spare time, studying documents and related materials, and then wrote a demo project on the weekend, called “investment wrong book.” Later, I simply extracted some of the code and wrote a Mixin Ruby SDK for my own use.

Lilin: When did you start learning and using the current language to write the app on Mixin Network?

The first demo was written in early July this year. The second is Mixin Network-based project (also based on, It is written during a typhoon in September.

Lilin: What is the special feeling in the process of programming this project?

It feels like Mixin Network brings developers and the blockchain world closer. As long as you have a good understanding of web development, the cost of developing a Dapp on Mixin Network is very low.

Lilin: Any suggestions for Mixin Network?

I hope for more incentives for developers.

Lilin: What do you think about the future use of digital assets?

Everything will be digitized in the future. The digital world has changed from the so-called “virtual world” to an important part of the real world. There should be more and more digital assets application. However, I have always using the mindset of investing what you can afford to lose.

Lilin: What languages, tools, and books would you recommend to developers of other apps?

I am just a newcomer to the “code community”. I dare not recommend the language. I am still learning new languages. I think the language may not be very important.

Currently, Go, JS, Java, and Python have SDKs that are very convenient to use. However, I still use Ruby.

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