Mixin Network Monthly Report — №49

Kelly XU
Mixin Network
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2023

2023–03–01 ~ 2023–03–31

Mixin Mainnet

  • The Mainnet has been running for 1494 days, and the topology height is 535,547,065 (+18,934,471).
  • The top 100 assets of the entire network reach a total market value of $1,149,199,639.
  • The whole network has a total of 2,755 (+130) assets.
  • There are 24 full nodes in the network.

Statistics of Popular Assets

The above data was collected around 14:00 (UTC+7) on April 2, 2023.

Mixin Dapps

Mixin Messenger

  • TIP connection to other Dapps is in internal testing.
  • Started the development of synchronizing chat records from multiple ends.
  • Add Spanish
  • Add the opening and closing balance to transfer details.
  • Further optimization of search performance and accuracy on desktop.
  • Detail optimization and small bugs fixed.


  • Open-sourced Botastic (AI framework that interacts with large language models such as Open AI’s GPT) and Talkee (Web3 real-time commenting system).
  • Released Developer Console https://developers.pando.im/console
  • The Pando Team presented Botastic and Talkee at the Dev.Together conference.
  • Submitted Talkee — Web3 real-time commenting system to ProductHunt https://www.producthunt.com/products/talkee


  • Restart the free BTC campaign for BOX regular investment.
  • Published ExinOne development documentation which allows developers to access ExinOne.
  • Upgraded Liquidity Pool account to Trading account.
  • Limited orders now support trading accounts.
  • Updated the “loan” function and improved the Pledge & Borrow process.
  • New listed ARB and other 24 tokens for trading services.


  • Added email login on Dashboard.
  • UniSat (Bitcoin inscribe platform) integrated MixPay.
  • IdClub (Bitcoin Ordinals minting platform) integrated MixPay.
  • Supported Pando USD for payment, quote, and settlement.
  • MixPay attended the Investment Cocktail Reception hosted by 7 O’clock Capital and Daoverser Capital in Dubai.
  • RedteaGo and MixPay launched a 10% off coupon code event.
  • MixPay has partnered with Gamzie, an e-commerce site offering games and entertainment top-ups.


March 12: Mixin Messenger’s new website went live.

March 16: MixinBot and DeNet launched an airdrop campaign.

March 20: CoinMarketCap Announces Latest TVL Ranking Mixin Rises to #9.

March 22: Mixin mainnet team proposed a Memo expansion fee model that could better meet the needs of developers’ data on the chain.

March 31: Mixin Safe core process front-end and back-end development have been completed. The subsequent focus will shift to interactive interface development, more detailed testing, and other work.

About Mixin Network

Mixin Network is an open-source, lightning-fast, and decentralized Web3 platform to bring speed and scalability to the blockchain. Mixin allows blockchains to gain millions of TPS, sub-second final confirmation, zero transaction fee, enhanced privacy and unlimited extensibility.

Mixin Network is a PoS network with 26 full nodes. As a wallet solution, it is currently supporting 48 public blockchains including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, Polkadot, etc. The total assets on the network have been over 1 billion US Dollars. Mixin is also a full-featured financial platform with functions of AMM, aggregating trade, pending orders on Exchange platforms, unbiased stable currency, etc. Mixin Network is dedicated to providing users with a decentralized blockchain infrastructure that always puts security, privacy, and decentralization first.

Highest TVL: USD2.9 billion on November 10, 2021

Highest Daily Transaction Volume: 4.9 million transactions on August 27, 2021

User Base: 1 million

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