Mixin Network Monthly Report — February 2020

liang jingxuan
Mixin Network
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2020

02–01–2020 ~ 02–29–2020

Mixin Main Network
The height of the Mixin MainNet arrived at 14,825,479(the MainNet added 693,944 transactions this month).
The assets that have been switched to the MainNet are XIN, CNB, ETH, and OOO (OceanONE Object).
Mixin’s top 100 assets, excluding BOX and XIN, are worth $60 million.

Current Assets Statistics

Data highlights:
EOS grew 40% this month, adding more than a million
VCASH entered the TOP 20 quickly after its online
The above data were collected at around 20 p.m. on February 29, 2020(UTC/GMT+08:00).

Mixin Dapps
Mixin Messenger
Support POST messages, posts in Markdown format, code, etc;
Support replying to messages with pictures, videos, voice, contacts, and files (previously only supported text replies);
Bot web supports sharing cards;
Support specific authorization details(Setting — Privacy and Security —Authorizations);
Optimize message push and power consumption (iOS);
Password entry won’t be recorded;
Desktop continuously optimizes details to improve performance;
Support @ in group, and notifications will be sent to @ or reply, even if the group is mute.

Online with Blockin Wallet, a separate Wallet product based on Mixin Network https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blockin-wallet/id1495275337 (Non-mainland China can be searched and downloaded)

氢定投” (ID:7000102362) Added position check and a number of optimizations;
Issue the interactive command line tool “Mixin-cli”,https://github.com/fox-one/mixin-cli , support check assets, transfer money, update pin, search users, sign url token, display deposit qr code and other functions.

Launch ExinLocal,which is global peer-to-peer trading market for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, such as, https://localcryptos.com/.However, it is simpler and more secure, with the multi-signature, encryption, etc. to guarantee the transaction privacy and security.

https://w3c.group/c/1581684681212744 (Chinese Version)

Upgrade fixed investment interface, support ICONS and other new functions.

Support VCASH deposit & withdraw https://v.cash
The quantity of XIN statistics exclude the amount of unexcavated COINS https://mixin.one/network/assets
MainNet upgrade to version 0.6.0, and supported BTC transfer
“Bot 7000102069” has broke through 4000 members
Cedric Fung’s live highlights:The order of Mixin MainNet nodes is queued according to the joining time and name, and the replacement can be completed within 24 hours; Mixin team will not make the node itself in the future, but will consider inviting foreign teams to make the node.Mixin team will provide the collateral, and they will provide technical support for the node and jointly promote Mixin as part of the promotion plan to expand the influence overseas;Developer background has made a major update.
The first full node has successfully exited the MainNet. After waiting for 12 hours, it has reapplied for joining the main network.

🎆 Celebrating the 1st anniversary of MainNet 🎆

Full nodes increased from 15 to 32
Public Chain support increased from 14 to 26, covering popular blockchain projects
Network Assets are growing rapidly, with the number of BTC increasing by 4 times,EOS increasing by 19 times,ETH increasing by 5 times,ZEC increasing by 7 times and so on
The transfer of the MainNet exceeded 14 million, and the total transfer exceeded 400 million
Mixin team made over 5,000 code submissions
Mixin Messenger daily active users increase by 10 times, generating some groups with more than 10,000 members, and the group (Bot id:7000102069) has over 4,000 members.

