Mixin Network’s First Online Global Developer Competition Winners Announced

Mixin Evangelist
Mixin Network
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2019

On Jan.10, 2019, Mixin Network’s first online global developer competition winners are announced, totally 9 qualified projects stand out to become the winners.

Over 100 developers that come from over 20 countries including China, U.S., UK, Canada, India, Russia, Italy, Singapore, etc. showed positive response to Mixin Network Developer Competition since it was unveiled on Nov.14, 2018, and participated online or offline as individual developers or joint teams.

In this two-month online developer competition, there are over 70 proposals delivered and more than 40 projects built on Mixin Network that cover different fields including social platform, finance, payment, shopping, games, etc. finally submitted before the submission ended on Jan.4, 2019.

All entries have gone through the five-day assessment based on four judge criteria:

* Application of Mixin technology (32%),

* Technical realization compared to the delivered proposal (18%),

* Project innovation (38%)

* Commercial values (12%)

Totally 9 qualified projects stand out to compete for the rewards after scoring, and finally comes the winners shown as follows:

First Prize (1 winner, 300XIN):

*Mixin Light Wallet

A simple and powerful Chrome Extension wallet for accessing digital assets on Mixin Network

Second Prize (2 winners, 100 XIN/winner):


A SaaS platform based on Mixin Messenger that enables users to create Mixin applets with one-click


A platform that enables users to purchase and buy gift cards used on online shopping malls with cryptocurrencies

Third Prize (3 winners, 50XIN/winner):


A dice game that enables users to get profit by betting on rolling low/high


A crypto Rock-Scissor-Paper game that enables to get profit by battling with one of three shapes

*Fox.one luckycoin wxapp

A lucky coin bot built on Mixin Messenger to help distribute and receive tokens

Excellent Prize (3winners, 25XIN/winner):


A content community that helps post users’ content on Telegraph and IPFS


An Airbnb style DApp that provides hardware lock by bluetooth


A high-quality forum talking about all aspects of blockchain & cryptocurrency

Mixin Network will contact all the winning project developers for the rewards delivery within soon.

All the winning entries are now open-source projects in Mixin Network’s Github for developers worldwide to communicate and learn from each other.

Till now, there are more than 40 open-source projects built on Mixin Network, based on Javascript, Ruby, Java, Go, PHP, NodeJS, Erlang, etc. Mixin Network empowers all developers to contribute on this blockchain and be parts of Mixin Network to complete its technical ecosystem.

For more info concerning the winning projects, please visit: https://www.mixin.community/ann-of-winners, http://bit.ly/2TC7klI

