Slotin — A Crypto Gambling Brings You up to 100x Profit with the Lowest Stake

4 min readDec 19, 2018


The crypto gambling is commonly used as a popular entertainment and has reached the billion-dollar market along with the rise of the crypto market. What I will share following is another crypto gambling app built on Mixin Network besides DICEOS, Slotin.

Slotin, aka, is a crypto slot machine application that utilizes the Kernel BFT consensus, low latency matters, diversity of Mixin Network to ensure the fairness, instance, compatibility during the gambling. Likewise, Slotin is super easy to use, you may win 100x bonus with your luck using Slotin.

When arriving at Slotin, you will see a neat and lovely design with pink interface. Besides the Login button, there are only three buttons in the interface to be used in the whole processing. No need to sign up, you can directly log in Slotin with your Mixin Messenger by scanning the QR code shown after clicking the Login button. Slotin simplifies the gambling process to the great extent, even a newbie that has never experienced either the physical slot machine or online slot machine will be clear about what to do next.

Before starting the gambling, you need to buy ticket firstly. You can choose to pay for the tickets with EOS, XIN, CANDY or CNB, four tokens supported as the payments by Slotin currently.

Each ticket costs you 0.01 EOS, 0.001 XIN, 1000 CANDY or 10000 CNB. After selecting the token and set the number of tickets you want to buy, use Mixin Messenger to pay for your tickets by scanning the QR code shown in the window.

Your tickets will be shown on the main interface once get paid.

Click the Spin! button to start the gambling and then stop the spinning one by one by triggering the Stop! button. You will be lucky to win Jackpot, 2nd Prize, 3rd, or 4th Prize, which brings you 100x bonus, 10x bonus, 3x bonus, and 1x bonus, respectively. Given you chose to pay for the tickets with XIN before, when the machine stops at 3 XIN, it’s Jackpot; when the machine stops at any 3 same icons, it’s 2nd Prize; when the machine stops at the result containing 2 XIN, it’s 3rd Prize; when the machine stops at the result containing 2 same icons, it’s 4th Prize.

Designed to be built on Mixin Network, the transaction network that mixes all blockchains in one network and provides the best technical environment to be well compatible with all kinds of DApps, bots, extensions, Slotin guarantees the definite fairness by an accurate algorithm. The gambling results are totally completed random, and there is a tracing mechanism to check the result icons with the exclusive TRNSACTION ID generated in each gambling by Mixin Network. In order to generate the TRANSACTION ID, will transfer a small amount asset to you, that’s why you receive tokens after the gambling.

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