The challenge instructions for Hackathon (July 6–8 2018)

Kelly XU
Mixin Network
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

The hack.summit(blockchain) 2018 Hackathon will take place in July 6–8 2018. Here’s the details about challenges and prize.

Challenge 1:Who can hack Mixin Network to win the crypto currencies

Introduction of Technology:Mixin is a TEE powered BFT-DAG network that connects all existing blockchains with unlimited throughput. Please read the official API document for preproration.

Challenge description: Hack the specified account on Mixin (ID:36699627) and transfer the encryption assets.

Prize description: The hacker who can transfer any assets from this account, then he/her/they could gain all of the account’s cryptocurrencies, it contained 50 XIN, 10 ETH and 1 BTC, for plural successful hackers, they divide the assets equally. If someone who find any bug, depending on the severity of the vulnerability, the finder could receive no more than 2000 dollars bonus or an equivalent amount of XIN token.

Challenge 2: Creating bot or Dapp on Mixin Messenger

Introduction of Technology: Mixin is a messenger with end-to-end encryption built on the Signal protocol. Besides its messaging features, Mixin supports wallet and transfer functionality for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic, Ripple, Litecoin and Sia. We have already open source on Github

Challenge Description: Create Dapp or practical bots to improve Mixin Messenger, we recommend some types:

  1. Develop the function as Transaction or Red packet: Please read our API document first, some similar app such as Telegram, Facebook Messenger, iMessage extension and WeChat could be your reference.
  2. Develop a bot that can implement OTC, exchanges, games or any utility tools.

Your imagination and creativity are the keys to win the prize. To enroll the challenge, please share your Bot to Mixin ID 1039549 no matter you finish developing or not, don’t miss the participation awards.

Prize description:

1 First Prize: 10 XIN
2 Second Prizes: 6 XIN
7 Third Prizes: 4 XIN
50 Participation Prizes: 0.015 XIN

Judging Criteria:

The degree of completion
Whether the bot is practical or not
Whether the interface design and the function design is beautiful and reasonable.

