2019 Overview: MixMarvel expanded its global layout and worked towards the mass adoption of blockchain games

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
4 min readDec 26, 2019

At the beginning of 2019, many blockchain projects fell into financial difficulties. In those hard times, MixMarvel completed a 10 million USD financing mainly because of its high-quality products and its R&D capability. MixMarvel has always maintained rapid development progress and continued to promote mass adoption of blockchain games as a leading blockchain game global publishing platform.

HyperSnakes and HyperDragons ranked top 5 continuously on multiple blockchains, and Rocket Protocol upgraded to its 2.0 version.

MixMarvel launched the Ethereum version of HyperDragons, the first published game in MixMarvel’s Hyper series, in March 2018 and its Ontology version at Christmas 2018. HyperDragons, a classic asset-based blockchain game, has ranked the top 5 on multiple public chains since its launch, and its Ontology version became the benchmark project in the blockchain game industry.

In May 2019, MixMarvel launched HyperSnakes, the first real-time multi-player competitive blockchain game, on three major public chains Ethereum, Tron, and Ontology. Within the first week of its release, HyperSnakes led significant public chains dApp ranking, which laid an excellent reputation for the quality of MixMarvel’s self-developed games.

This year, MixMarvel announced its upgraded Layer-2 technology, Rocket Protocol (RP) 2.0. This technology not only serves MixMarvel ecological games but also serves high-quality third-party game developers. RP 2.0 has successfully helped Ground Hunter, a first-person shooter (FPS) blockchain game, and ForceForFast, the world’s first blockchain strategy racing game, integrate with public chains. Rocket Protocol 2.0 can help games smoothly run on various public chains, get rid of the migration problems, and significantly reduce cost.

MixMarvel enhanced its global layout in the Chinese, Korean, Australian, Japanese, and Hongkong Markets.

On April 30th this year, MixMarvel officially revealed its entry into the South Korean market by holding a series of conferences with the moral support of a few key partners such as HashKey Capital, imToken Ventures, and Ontology. Three major games were promoted and received an enthusiastic response from Korean local users. Meanwhile, establishments of cooperation were made with multiple leading projects such as Klaytn, Contentos, Korean Mobile Game Association (KMGA), and OnBUff. Recently, MixMarvel was also awarded as Best in Mobile Blockchain Games by Token post during DPA (Decentralized People’s Awards).

Following the successful launch in South Korea, MixMarvel turned towards its next target, Australia, as the first stop before expansion into the Western market. A series of roadshows held this August in Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney introduced MixMarvel’s game platform and its publishing services, as well as the impact of its core Layer-2 technology on the Australian game industry. MixMarvel promoted the concept of “play to earn” and led to a continuous expansion in the number of Australian blockchain game players.

In October 2019, MixMarvel increased the popularity of its layer-2 solution, RP 2.0, among global developers during the Devcon season in Japan as a re-enforcement in the Asian pacific regions.

MixMarvel gained an active and loyal user base with its new community management method

MixMarvel nurtured high-loyalty users and formed a word-of-mouth promotion habit between users using its unique community operation methods. Nearly 50 communities consistent with users that are attracted to MixMarvel’s quality game and content were established based on different language preferences and through multiple social media channels.

What made MixMarvel games popular was first to attract core users with high-quality content, then continuously upgrade versions and enrich gameplay according to their unique demands, and finally create an active community atmosphere. On top of that, MixMarvel innovatively introduced the mechanism of the House of Representatives to fully adopt the community’s recommendations, timely convey development process, and reach seamless communication to jointly build a warm community with a sense of participation, community consensus, and game culture.

MixMavel announced “GameFi — The Path of Technology-driven Innovation in the Game Industry.” in Wuzhen Global Blockchain Conference.

On November 8th, founders of MixMarvel were invited to the 2019 Wuzhen World Blockchain Conference hosted by 8btc, a globally recognized blockchain media. MixMarvel Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Mary Ma, delivered a speech on “GameFi — The Path of Technology-driven Innovation in the Game Industry.” GameFi is a new MixMarvel concept that means to create innovative finance and business gamification.

According to Mary, by the aid of blockchain and GameFi, the gaming industry will be reshaped as they create new liquidity markets and reform the factors of production in the gaming industry. In the past, the industrial landscape of traditional games revolved around the three elements: promotion, distribution, and operation. But the future industry structure of blockchain games will rely upon three utterly new factors: game assets, application scenarios, and value networks.

All in all, MixMarvel has always been practical, taking technology and products as the cornerstone, and using commercial strategic thinking to realize the comprehensive layout of blockchain games.

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