All the Things MixMarvel Reached in 2022

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
6 min readJan 10, 2023

Over the course of 2022, MixMarvel has worked tirelessly to deliver impressive projects and enjoyable experiences to our community and beyond. To kick off 2023, today we would like to take stock of the past year, toast to MixMarvel’s many achievements in 2022, and look forward with excitement to all that the coming year has to offer.

MixMarvel DAO Venture’s Formation

On March 7, the decentralized investment organization MixMarvel DAO Venture was officially launched, adding a vital part to the MixMarvel ecosystem. Determined to provide financial support and consulting services for high-quality projects to become outstanding Web3 builders, MixMarvel DAO Venture raised $50 million in funds and invested in six quality projects within three months before its debut.

In total, eight projects were involved in the first and second phases of the investment programs — both of which have concluded successfully. As MixMarvel DAO Venture’s investment project progresses in 2023, more excellent Web3 builders are expected to emerge.

Project Incubation

  • DeHero

This year, DeHero took its transformation into DeHeroGame and launched several tests for an improved gaming experience. Following its July technical test on the mainnet and June beta testing on the Rangers Protocol network’s Robin Testnet, DeHeroGame has completed a two-week-long Close Beta Test on the Rangers Protocol mainnet since August 30.

The successive testings have proven MixMarvel’s incubating and publishing strategy to be effective and successful, which is to help Web2 users smoothly enter the Web3 world and experience the application by leveraging MixMarvel’s expertise, as well as its rich industry resources, including the Web3 Engine infrastructure Rangers Protocol.

  • MetaCene

MetaCene, an MMORPG homeland for mass players, was formally introduced as a new incubated project of MixMarvel DAO Venture in November during the Philippine Web3 Festival. MetaCene boldly envisages a multi-chain future with real-time confirmation and exceptionally low gas fees, starting with its Genesis NFT collection and the PC and mobile version coming up in 2023.

To assist in its success, MixMarvel will provide MetaCene with comprehensive incubation support, including fiscal aid, top-notch advisory, network resources, and one-stop services until its official release.

Partnership Expansion

  • EVERY GAME: Starting from January, MixMarvel reached a consensus with Samsung Games’ blockchain game platform EVERY GAME on working in close collaboration on sharing blockchain technology and infrastructures and providing joint incubation and marketing services for blockchain game projects in global and local markets such as Korea.
  • BitWell: Later in May, MixMarvel’s cooperation with BitWell injected tremendous vitality and liquidity into MixMarvel’s token economic system, providing convenience and a better trading experience while making the token more publicly available.
  • Formless: In November, MixMarvel joined hands with the world’s first Web3 GameFi aggregator Formless, to provide more comprehensive and essential resources for projects aspiring to succeed with Web3 games in enhancing the dApp experience for gamers and developers and better connecting the Web2 and Web3 worlds.
  • GameBoy: A few days later, MixMarvel established in-depth cooperation with GameBoy, an aggregated platform for new-generation GameFi, to reimagine an ideal gaming platform for all. Through co-promotion and in-depth collaboration, MixMarvel and Gameboy are believed to benefit enormously in terms of exchanging resources, discovering bigger community pools, and broadening into new markets.
  • tofuNFT: In the same month, MixMarvel formed a strategic partnership with tofuNFT, the world’s largest multichain NFT marketplace. While providing tofuNFT with continuous, high-quality game content, MixMarvel have also leveraged the multichain attributes and tools of tofuNFT, such as the Multichain NFT aggregator and the launchpad tool, to better pump up its ecosystem projects.
  • Myria: The last month of 2022 has witnessed MixMarvel’s collaboration with Myria, an Ethereum L2 scaling solution for blockchain games, in sharing valuable experience on blockchain gaming and launching cooperative efforts at NFT prosperity on both platforms.
  • OctoGamex: MixMarvel has also partnered with OctoGamex to jointly promote the development of GameFi and the construction of Mateverse through facilitating multichain NFT trading.
  • Alchemy Pay: Last but not least, we have reached a partnership with Alchemy Pay, a convenient all-in-one payment system at the end of the year. With Alchemy Pay’s Onramp Solution launched for MixMarvel’s community, our users will be able to purchase their desired crypto directly with preferred fiat payment methods with more ease.

Opinion Leader

MixMarvel has always been attentive to industry trends and explorative with future potentials. In 2022, our executives were also actively sharing MixMarvel’s latest thoughts and ideas at industry events around the world.

In August, Mary Ma, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of MixMarvel, returned to Singapore to instruct a Masterclass on current Web3 trends, where she innovatively proposed Web3 as the next-generation network of values to be reached starting with achieving NFT interoperability through constructing underlying technology and integrating it with IP.

Later on August 23, Mary participated in the Singapore Digital Economy Forum 2022 and gave her thoughts on collective ownership. According to Mary, Metaverse will evolve into the convergence of technology, content, and human experience, which collectivity can well convey and thus become the key to achieving the Metaverse.

In October, she attended the Asian Crypto Week and shared the most original thoughts and visions of Web3 games from MixMarvel as a keynote speaker at the ABGA Blockchain Gaming 2022 Summit and the TOKEN 2049 event. In the two important speeches Mary gave, she specified the current challenges faced by blockchain gaming and proposed players-oriented Web3 Games as the next-generation blockchain games. The importance of MMO games was also emphasized, for they are considered the best choice for Web3 integration and the highway toward player-oriented Web3 games and a Metaverse future.

In November, Mary Ma took part in the Philippine Web3 Festival, giving out a powerful speech illustrating MixMarvel’s investment methodologies with Web3 games and showing how prepared it is to support the next-generation projects for Web3 mass adoption.

Other Achievements

In the past year, MixMarvel has published 25 opinion articles on its official website and Medium platform, covering topics from Metaverse, Web3 gaming, to NFT, and tokenomics, with valuable insights provided to a large audience.

MixMarvel has hosted and co-hosted several industrial events in 2022. On September 29, MixMarvel co-hosted and participated in the event of Hashkey Capital Founder’s Club Powered by MixMarvel at Innovis Tower, where Some most debatable and trending topics in the crypto and blockchain space were boldly discussed. On September 30, it also jointly organized and hosted a private talk with AMG Capital at Turn 1 Sky Suite, through which MixMarvel explored a shared future for the Web3 space with old friends and potential partners from crypto fields.

MixMarvel has also held multiple AMAs and various community events to keep our active participants updated with the latest information and to give back to the community, including BitWell x MixMarvel AMA, Halloween telegram activity, MetaCene giveaway, etc.

In addition, MixMarvel’s whitepaper has been constantly updated since February for community and partners’ reference. The visual enhancements have also been made, with MixMarvel’s official website redesigned in March and the new logo released in April.

All these achievements will be meaningless without the support of our partners and community members. As we prepare for a fresh start in 2023, we’d want to thank everyone for their active participation and continuing attendance during 2022, through both good times and the bad.

As more enterprises and individuals see the relevance and importance of blockchain technology in the general financial sector and beyond, and as the global economic situation improves, MixMarvel believes that 2023 will be a watershed moment, heralding a new prospect for all that are involved. And it will be our honor and pleasure to embark on this new adventure with you all.

Together, let us look forward to a better future in 2023.

About MixMarvel

MixMarvel is the world’s leading blockchain content-incubation platform and creators community. By in-depth exploring the open world and integrating world-renowned IP with high-quality content, MixMarvel connects investors and mass users through asset distribution, content publication, DeFi tools, infrastructure, community co-creation, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. Its ecosystem comprises a broad portfolio of FT/NFT assets, including the MIX, RPG, and HEROES tokens; blockchain content, including the GameFi application DeHero; and infrastructures, including Rangers Protocol and MixMarvel SDK. For more information, visit

