Community Users Co-Design NFT Dragons with MixMarvel

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
2 min readApr 3, 2020

Recently, the MixMarvel community set off a creative enthusiasm with the theme of HyperDragons, creating a series of brand-new personalized Dragons. Community users will submit works via email. After review, qualified Dragon works will be improved by technical staff and sold in the game. All the revenue of the Dragons will belong to the creators.

MixMarvel focuses on creating a blockchain game platform that is built by players and developers. To improve community participation and closely connect community users and developers to form a pleasant game atmosphere, MixMarvel launched its Social House Platform last year. Users and developers can use this platform as a bridge to communicate smoothly. MixMarvel regularly updates community suggestions and developers’ feedback from around the world to solve problems encountered by community users promptly. At the same time, MixMarvel will also actively communicate with community users to convey the product design concepts and plans, which would help to achieve community win-win.

MixMarvel encourages players to join the co-construction of the platform to create digital assets and earn rewards from transaction circulations which significantly promotes the creativity of the MixMarvel community. Earlier, the creative activities “Meme Contest” and “Sticker Maker Contest” were warmly welcomed by MixMarvel’s communities. The fans of HyperDragons designed a series of exciting stickers. In March, HyperSnakes also set off the “Seven-line Poem” event in the Kakao community in South Korea. Players expressed their love and support for this blockchain game by creating Seven-line Poems. In April, MixMarvel started the Dragon Creation Month and have received a lot of creative Dragon images. The activity is still ongoing and let us look forward to more outstanding works.

MixMarvel community:

MixMarvel Official Website / Telegram / Facebook

KakaoTalk / Twitter / Medium / YouTube

