CryptoThrone Beta Testing

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
2 min readJun 11, 2019

No threshold benefits
1.1. Join in the Internal Test and get [600CTT] airdrop bonus(consumed 10 ONG during the Open Test)
1.2. Give out Airdrop and organize activities to give CTT in official communities

Internal test exclusive welfare
2.1. It is COMPLETELY FREE during the Internal Test and the spend ONG will be returned before Open Test; Trading resources in the exchange belongs to the behavior between players and cannot be returned to ONG from our game.

2.2. During the period of Internal Testing, the main castle reaches level 10 or above, and 200 CTT can be obtained

2.3. During the Internal Test, players can get 300 CTT as long as they sell more than 10K resources in the market and post pictures in the community @official customer service

2.4. During the period of Internal Testing, players who submit bugs first can get CTT rewards of different degrees

- display problem, 50 CTT

- function failure, error, etc., 200 CTT

- 1000 CTT will be awarded for major logic problems of the game, such as asset loss or additional issuance and economic collapse of the game

the internal test of higher welfare
3.1. After the end of the internal test, the first member of the league will be exempted from the activation fee after the open test

3.2. Essay soliciting activities for the internal test: encourage users who participate in an internal test to write game ideas and strategies, which are adopted and published on official accounts or other media platforms, and they will be rewarded with 3000 ~ 10000 CTT

Cryptothrone telegram group

