Ground Hunter Pre-sale guide on Singles’Day

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
6 min readNov 11, 2019

Ground Hunter will start pre-sale on Singles’ Day. Singles’ Day on November 11th is an unofficial Chinese holiday that celebrates pride in being single. Over time, the holiday has expanded from solely being about singleness, to become the most massive shopping day in the world. So Ground Hunter will open a pre-sale with a lot of discounts on the day.

In this pre-sale event, you can purchase the best equipment at a lowest price and easily build your own equipment depot.

Pre-sale website address:

Event time:From November 11th to November 17th

Sale1: Singles’ Day pre-sale offer

The higher level of the package, the greater discount.

Sale2: People who purchase early will have discounts

The number of all packages is limited, and the discount for the package will decrease as the number of packages purchased increases. When the number of remaining packages is less than 50%, the initial discount will decrease. The sooner you buy, the greater discount.

For example, the package A is limited to 100 copies, and the initial discount is 45%. The top 50 package purchasers can enjoy a discount of 45%. Starting from the 51st package purchaser, they will only be able to purchase at a discount of 40%.

Sale3: deposit will enjoy more discount on discount

During the period from Oct. 9th to Oct. 31st, players who completed deposit and received airdrop can not only use the account balance to deduct the deposit amount when purchasing the package, but also enjoy a better discount rate.

Q:How to buy a package?

A:Players need to deposit before they can purchase a package. Click the deposit button on the page to send NEO or MIX to the corresponding address through the wallet to complete the deposit.


1) The deposit is the on-chain behavior. It may take a few minutes to confirm the deposit on-chain. Please be patient.

2) Due to the irreversibility of blockchain trading, please confirm your deposit address carefully.

Q:What is a deposit discount?

A:Players who participated in deposit during the Oct.9th and Oct.31st. can enjoy a lower special discount. Players who missed are not discouraged. For more information, please pay attention to the latest news.

Q:Can depositd tokens be withdrawn?

A:Yes. The deposit withdrawal function will be available starting November 14th. Players will be able to withdraw their account balance directly; the withdrawn amount will depend on the balance in the player’s current account.
Due to the indivisibility of NEO, the withdrawn NEO amount will be rounded down. The decimal part will be returned to the player’s game account in the form of GAS after Ground Hunter launches the internal beta-testing.

Q:Can depositd tokens be used to purchase a package?

A:Yes. When you purchase a package, the system will deduct the deposit balance in your account. You only need to pay the remaining amount to purchase the package.

For example, the price of the package is 6 NEO. If you have depositd 1 NEO, you can purchase the package by 5 NEO.

Q:What is the LV rating of the firearm?

A:In “Ground Hunter”, the on-chain firearms are divided into 5 levels. From LV1 to LV5, The higher of the level, the better performance of the firearm.

= Package included =

It is important to have a good weapon in a dangerous battlefield. Grasp this pre-sale opportunity and start with powerful weapons at the lowest price. Each gun is a digital asset on the chain.

You don’t want to take care of the weapon of the gods. The powerful weapons also need to be equipped with superb skills to be unfavorable.

This pre-sale package is divided into 4 levels: Gold, Platinum, Diamonds and Blood Diamonds.

It should be noted that the NEO package and the MIX package contain different firearms.

The following is the specific content:

NEO package Selected firearms list

The AKM is a modified version of the AK. AKM is lighter than AK, and AKM is more accurate and more reliable. In any battlefield environment, AKM will be your most trusted partner.

The M416 is a powerful assault rifle with a modular construction that can be adapted to any custom needs. The player only needs to grasp the grip and pull the trigger to quickly hit any opponent in the middle and close range.

98K was born in the 1930s, the slender gun body and 7.92 bullets brought unparalleled penetration. In contrast, the 98K bolting and low-loading bombs made it very uncomfortable to deal with melee, and players should avoid falling into this situation.

The SKS semi-automatic rifle is a veteran. In order to meet the needs of modern combat, it has a detachable magazine and is compatible with a variety of sights and muzzle accessories. The new SKS is no less inferior to any modern rifle.

MIX package Selected firearms list

AUG has a classic, unsupported structure, a lightweight plastic body and an advanced modular design. Users can cope with any sudden situation in the battlefield, whether it is a close encounter or a remote suppression.

The MK14 is a classic shooter rifle that combines firepower, accuracy and rate of fire. Its 7.62 NATO standard ammunition can quickly suppress opponents from a long distance, providing a powerful cover for teammates who have come forward.

Package Prop

GHT:It is the game token for Ground Hunter and is an essential resource for players.

Weapon coupon: can be used to upgrade the level of firearms.

LV! Random weapon:a random LV1 on-chain firearm

Random accessories: Random gun accessories, which may be muzzles, magazines, sights, butts or grips. Gun accessories can greatly enhance the ability of the gun.

GroundHunter community:

Pre-sale /Telegram /Facecook

MixMarvel community:

MixMarvel Official Website / Telegram / Facebook

KakaoTalk / Twitter / Medium / YouTube

