HyperSnakes won the TOP1 Blockchain Game Voting Contest

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
3 min readApr 9, 2020

On April 1, an authoritative blockchain game navigation website, Blocksite, assembled the leading blockchain games and opened a voting channel for the “Top1 Blockchain Game Voting Contest”. MixMarvel’s HyperSnakes competed with four well-known blockchain games and resulted in Top 1.

MixMarvel has successfully entered the Final Four with HyperSnakes’ Alipay version. At the same time, competing projects include the digital collectible multiplayer card game Splinterlands, the collectible crypto game Blockchain Cuties, and the economic strategy game PROSPECTORS. These top four projects started a three-day championship competition.

MixMarvel’s communities and loyal fans are all over the world. In this voting process, it fully demonstrated high user participation and activity, and showed the power of the community. Since the opening of the online voting channel for the Voting Contest (April 1st), HyperSnakes has received enthusiastic voting support from community users. In just two days, it has accumulated 2,000+ votes and ranked Top of the leaderboard. However, on the last day of the contest, MixMarvel and Splinterland started a fierce competition. After the two sides overtook each other many times, MixMarvel relied on the power of the community to reverse the situation and lead the way, and finally won the championship with 5122 votes.

HyperSnakes stayed ahead and ranked first in the leaderboard.
Splinterlands suddenly overtook HyperSnakes, and the situation reversed instantly.
HyperSnakes and Splinterlands competed fiercely, and the two sides repeatedly overtook each other. About 6 hours from the end of the contest, HyperSnakes began to surpass Splinterlands and stayed first.
HyperSnakes won the championship with a high number of votes in 5122.

MixMarvel won the championship based the support of the community, and its high-quality products, entirely confirming the old saying: everything speaks with products. In the article “Can games gain ten thousand a month? These 4 blockchain games are going viral” produced by the organizer, Blocksite, the exciting gameplay and perfect economic model design of the game HyperSnakes was pointed out.

HyperSnakes launched by MixMarvel not only retains the fun of the classic version of Snake but also introduces the concept of “poison circle” in the Battle Royale. As the game progresses, the poison circle continues to shrink, and users must face not only the pursuit of enemies but also find ways to avoid the poison circle to survive, which is even more exciting.

At present, HyperSnakes has been connected to Ant Financial OpenChain and launched the Alipay version. Players will find this game in the Alipay App and can get a unique Snake after entering the game. In the process of winning through competition, players can not only enjoy the pleasure of the game but also get abundant rewards.

In this voting contest, the competition with world-renowned blockchain game projects has enabled HyperSnakes to gain in-depth exposure worldwide, and to a small extent, also brought more traffic and broader visibility to the MixMarvel brand. The achievement of TOP1 not only reflects the user’s recognition of HyperSnakes but also encourages MixMarvel to develop more high-quality blockchain games and continue to strive for the mass adoption of blockchain.

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