MixMarvel CSO Mary Ma Shares Ideas on NFT Interoperability

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
4 min readAug 31, 2022

Quick Takes:

  • Openness, interoperability, and co-creation are the core features of Web3, starring as the next-generation network of values.
  • NFT interoperability can be the breakthrough point in realizing the Web3 network of values.
  • NFT interoperability can be achieved through constructing underlying technology and integrating it with IP.

The read-only Web1 and the participative social Web2 are widely known as the first two iterations of the Internet since the 1990s to date. Compared with the “traditional” networks of Web1 and Web2, where the interconnection of information, data, and social relations is realized, MixMarvel Chief Strategy Officer Mary Ma firmly believes that Web3, which can vest everyone with the ability to own a piece of the Internet, is bound to carry things further by interconnecting assets, value, and production relations.

Web3 as the next generation of Internet will constitute a network of values,” proposes Mary innovatively, “and it should be built upon three core features: openness, interoperability, and co-creation.” While openness brings the network strong vitality and co-creation sets the premise of self-governance, interoperability is deemed indispensable for the interconnection of assets. In Mary’s opinion, realizing NFT interoperability can be a good starting point to make breakthroughs in building up such a network of values.

What is NFT Interoperability?

Interoperability essentially refers to the ability of two or more systems to exchange information that can be further utilized. As it pertains to NFTs, interoperability means that various NFT platforms, be that different dApps, blockchains, or even metaverses, can communicate and work together, which is crucially important as it allows users to transfer NFTs between platforms easily.

NFT interoperability is the key factor to success in the Web3 world where digital assets increasingly appear in the form of NFTs, for without it, the various platforms of NFT would become isolated ecosystems incapable of interacting with each other, thus making it difficult to trade NFTs and hindering the development of the NFT market and even the blockchain industry.

Mary envisages a multi-chain future of the Web3 world and believes that NFT interoperability would help users bounce freely around different blockchains or metaverses, hence being a cornerstone of constructing the Web3 network of values.

How to Achieve NFT Interoperability?

Technology Support

With NFT essentially being blockchain-based digital assets, the interoperability of NFT cannot be achieved without support from solid blockchain technology. As for the specific technologies needed to make NFT interoperable, Mary proposes her ideas from three technical levels to develop on, which are system level, cross-chain level, and data level.

At the system level, there needs to be a homogeneous smart contract system, such as an EVM system, to make it easier to interoperate NFT; at the cross-chain level, NFT standard protocols, NFT cross-chain facilities, and nodes intercommunication between blockchains are all integral parts to ensure the interoperability of NFT; and at the data level, both on-chain and off-chain data exchange should be well facilitated, with on-chain data indexing and subgraphs functioning adequately.

The Web3 Engine infrastructure Rangers Protocol incubated by MixMarvel is leading the industry in NFT interoperability. With its NFT Protocols incorporating standards like ERC-721 to support the circulation and applicability of NFT, NFT Bridge integrating the cross-chain solution based on the relay chain in solving the problem of NFT migration, and NFT Graph to query data on open networks in a fast, reliable, and secure manner, Rangers Protocol is providing technical solutions to realizing NFT interoperability at levels of the system, cross-chain, and data respectively.

Content Integration

In addition to the technical support from developing solid underlying technology, the realization of NFT interoperability can also be accelerated at the content level through the integration with IP.

IP, or intellectual property in full, refers to the intangible creations of the human intellect, such as literary works, artistic works, inventions, designs, etc. In the pop culture industry, IP can be defined as a cultural brand that can be developed in multiple dimensions.

Optimistic about the integration of IP and NFT interoperability, Mary believes NFT interoperability will revolutionize the IP industry and states with confidence that such integration “will generate huge business value with no doubt.”

Based on the concept of NFT interoperability, Mary has also come up with a new understanding of IP, stating that “IP needs to be more inclusive and more community-based in the future, with IP authorization partially adopting a permitless method and community co-creation being carried out by community incentives.”

Mary takes it as a preferable approach to carry forward such integration in the form of Web3 blockchain games to reach a greater level of influence and believes that NFT interoperability will, in return, expand the scale of the blockchain games many times.

About MixMarvel

MixMarvel is the world’s leading blockchain content-incubation platform and creators community. By in-depth exploring the open world and integrating world-renowned IP with high-quality content, MixMarvel connects investors and mass users through asset distribution, content publication, DeFi tools, infrastructure, community co-creation, and other diversified scenarios in a new ecosystem of dapps. Its ecosystem comprises a broad portfolio of FT/NFT assets, including the MIX, RPG, and HEROES tokens; blockchain content, including the GameFi application DeHero; and infrastructures, including Rangers Protocol and MixMarvel SDK. For more information, visit https://linktr.ee/MIXMARVEL.

