MIXMARVEL Official Blog
7 min readApr 14, 2021

On April 13, MixMarvel Head of Global Marketing and spokesman Nicolas Zhu accepted the invitation to participate in the AMA conversation held by YGG, the world’s largest blockchain game community. This AMA’s goal was to provide an opportunity for the YGG community to learn more about MixMarvel’s latest project LeCube: who the team are and what they are working on.

Having introduced MixMarvel, the leading blockchain game publishing platform and content community that connects high-quality content, players, and developers, Nicolas dove right into the main topic of the conversation — LeCube. LeCube is one of the significant projects MixMarvel is currently working on. LeCube is a called blockchain version of Lego and an art version of GitHub. In LeCube, users can use Cubes to compose and create entirely blockchain-based NFT assets with traceable copyright.

LeCube is committed to changing the low state of collectibles lifetime, Nicolas stated. In LeCube, whether it is to generate the NFT code or compose the visual image in the NFT, it is directly created and stored using Ethereum’s smart contract. Therefore, the NFT created by LeCube ultimately gets rid of the dependence on centralized servers, making NFT a digital collection of a longer lifetime. LeCube NFT lifetime is proportional to the same of the Ethereum network.

Nicolas specified that LeCube is currently under testing. Many players have already joined and built many outstanding creations in it.

LeCube Tokens

The first question the YGG host Kookoo rose up for discussion was what precisely the Cubes are and how players earn by playing the game. MixMarvel spokesman explained that Cubes are the primary materials used in LeCube’s creations. Users can mine Cubes in the Cube Pool by staking any community-agreed currency. Users can also get appropriate liquidity rewards by providing Cube liquidity on Uniswap. Users can compose Cubes to generate NFT assets and receive LCT token rewards for them. He also mentioned being absolutely fascinated by some of the good works created in LeCube, now featured on MixMarvel’s social media.

Proceeding with the topic, Nicholas stated that in LeCube, each “Cube” is not only a Fungible Token with actual value but also the smallest unit of visual elements. In the process of composing the “Cube” (Fungible Token) into NFT (Non-Fungible Token), the value of all FT is transmitted to NFT, which constitutes the precise fundamental value of NFT and constructs all visual representations of the NFT. The entire process is directly completed using the Ethereum network, with higher asset value.

Simultaneously, the user’s behavior of Cube composing can also be regarded as a Cube staking, which is conducive to the deflation of Cube volume and the preservation of Cube price. Users can choose to put their NFTs’ copyright in the Copyright Center and get corresponding LCT rewards when adopted by other users. The whole process is entirely on-chain and has unlimited data storage. Hence, users can decompose NFTs that are not of high quality at any time and return into the form of Cubes with better liquidity. This two-way transformable feature brings better liquidity to LeCube’s NFT. It provides a promising application scenario for FT, which can continuously promote the two. Nicolas also provided the chart below to illustrate the process.

Cubes, NFTs, and LCTs each have separate missions, he elaborated, and constitute a stable ecosystem in which resources circulate continuously. At the same time, the assets are also converted to each other, forming a stable ecological structure. The roles of Cubes, NFTs, and LCTs will also evolve with the development of LeCube.

Simultaneously, the half-cycle design will also allow the ecology to have the ability to evolve itself step by step: as the output of blocks decreases, the number of LCT rewards decreases, the fundamental value of NFT increases, and the community will gradually enter a consensus — NFT composing is the most profitable behavior. The generation of this consensus is also the mission of the LeCube project, Nicolas expressed.

Cube Pool

The conversation expanded into more specific terms of LeCube. Kookoo inquired about one of the LeCube major modules, Cube Pool, and how users can participate.

Answering this question, Nicolas declared that users can mine Cubes by staking practically any currency in the LeCube Cube Pool, as the currency that users stake for mining does not require any centralized organization’s permission. The community initiates an application for preselection contracts. The community votes by staking their preferred currencies. Finally, the top 21 currencies of the highest stake value will gain mining rights.

After the stakes are complete, the Cube Pool’s output efficiency is not determined by any centralized organization but is generated by the market. The amount of Cubes obtained by the user is proportional to the stake value of all the currency they staked in the Cube Pool.

Blockchain Infrastructure

While discussing the Cubes details in blockchain, Kookoo got curious whether LeCube has plans to use layer 2 solutions since gas fees are ridiculously high. Regarding this question, LeCube already prepared its solution, proposing a relay-based, Ethereum-compatible blockchain infrastructure dedicated to systematically solving vertical industry problems.

Although many blockchain infrastructures also provide partial solutions, Nicolas stated that they do not have many characteristics such as verticality, compatibility, and ease of use. They tend to replace Ethereum with the infrastructure of the decentralized financial field as the priority aim. Our solution to the issue is Rocket Protocol, another project that we incubate.

Rocket Protocol is based on integrating and expanding the cross-chain, NFT, and EVM protocols. It allows developers to freely create decentralized applications that adapt to various scenarios while giving users an Internet application-like experience. In short, Rocket Protocol solves the problem of high-frequency transactions through the efficient VRF+BLS consensus mechanism and the data heterogeneity problem through the cross-chain solution based on the relay chain. It also solves the diversity problem through the horizontal expansion method and the interaction problem through real-time transaction confirmation.

Images stored on centralized servers and assets of hard-to-confirm content sources are difficult to be called actual digital collectibles in the long run. Therefore, LeCube hopes to go further in the NFT direction and make digital collections more decentralized, coded, and capitalized. LeCube will provide a brand-new NFT creation and application paradigm, allowing on-chain native artwork creation so that images can be expressed in a decentralized manner.

After Rocket Protocol is fully integrated with LeCube, MixMarvel and LeCube promise that this process will become faster. At the same time, the costs will be significantly shortened, allowing much higher-definition NFT images.


On such an encouraging note, the host finished this brief introduction of LeCube, allowing the present community to raise their questions. Users bombed the conversation with all the kind of questions. However, due to the time limitations, Mr. Nicolas Zhu could only choose several questions to answer.

Answering the question of one of the YGG community users: “As I understand the gist of it after we BUILD our NFT from CUBE, the CUBE will be burned? And we have to mine/purchase pieces of Cube to build another NFT?” Nicolas stated that Cubes used to compose an NFT will be locked in it. To get the Cubes back, the NFT needs to be decomposed back into Cubes, and an LCT fee will be required.

Another question that interested the users was how LeCube NFTs differentiate from any other. Although having mentioned this topic partially before, Nicolas elaborated on it in three points. First of all, he said, LeCube NFTs are much more durable digital collectibles.

Secondly, being created entirely by the community, LeCue NFT becomes a more vibrant Digital Art. LeCube is committed to becoming an utterly open user UGC community. From the Cubes output and Cube composing to NFT creation, all the way until the community thoroughly completes the entire process. Compared with the mode of officially producing content and providing sales services, the user UGC community has a more diversified perspective. It can create richer content and burst out more substantial users’ self-propagation willingness.

At last, LeCube NFT is simply a more valuable asset. In LeCube, each Cube is an FT, and each NFT is composed of these Cubes (FT). Since these Cubes (FTs), from output to circulation, have gone through a decent amount of community consensus and market game, they already have accurate market pricing, enabling NFT to have proper introductory pricing.

At last, LeCube spokesman provided a list of all the media resources that may interest the users new to MixMarvel and LeCube in particular:

LeCube Beta http://lc.mixmarvel.com/

Rocket Protocol Twitter https://twitter.com/rocket_protocol

MixMarvel Twitter https://twitter.com/MIXMARVELGAME

MixMarvel Telegram https://t.me/MixMarvelGlobal

MixMarvel Discord https://discord.gg/dNPzkUqd

The discussions in the community went on long after the AMA finished.

