MixMarvel Korean community is promoted by users

MIXMARVEL Official Blog
4 min readMar 2, 2020

As a blockchain game publishing platform, MixMarvel aims at global users, its target audience is determined by the decentralized characteristics of blockchain and the global attribute of the games. The natural community attribute of the games enables players to gather tightly through the games as a carrier. Therefore, MixMarvel attaches great importance to the role of communities in the construction of its ecosystem and is always committed to building communities in various countries and regions. Relying on high-quality game products, such as HyperDragons, and HyperSnakes, MixMarvel has gathered a group of core community users who love games and blockchain technology and are optimistic about the combination of the two. It is noteworthy that the number of community users is still expanding.

MixMarvel has steadily operated overseas communities, and the number of users increases with the improvement of community quality. MixMarvel creates the right community image and public praise. Among them, MixMarvel takes South Korea as the core market position and has made remarkable achievements in community building and operation. The Kakao community of MixMarvel has attracted more than 1000 core users and radiated more than 50000 + users in other social media.

Accumulate seed users to achieve the goal of validating product model

MixMarvel has some core users in the Korean community, and these high-quality seed users are the vital cornerstone of the expanding user base of the community and the launch of new products. They spontaneously spread and promote the game products of MixMarvel in the community and other social platforms, further expanding the influence of the brand.

MixMarvel’s seed users love the games and have faith in blockchain technology. They are eager to see the version of blockchain game updated and iterated, and constantly give various suggestions. If the proposal is adopted, it will produce a high sense of achievement and spontaneously introduce the game to friends. Driven by these seed users, MixMarvel first achieved the most critical goal of validating the product model. At the same time, it also updates and iterates out more excellent blockchain games and functions, so that the product can better meet the needs of users.

Capture the most influential core players in the game

MixMarvel continuously optimizes products through seed users, and gradually cultivates more core players. There is a MixMarvel fan named “하이” in the Korean community, which is very keen on HyperSnakes. He often records the game video of “Medusa” survival mode, which is regularly released to the kakao community and other social platforms to share his game experience, which is arousing great enthusiasm of the community players.

Game Video of HyperSnakes recorded by users

Recently, we had the honor to invite this senior player and have in-depth conversation with him. Here is a summary of the conversation with the user:

Q1. It’s a great honor to invite the core user of Korean community “하이” to do this interview. First of all, would you like to introduce how you first learned about MixMarvel briefly?

A: I first learned about MixMarvel on the public blockchain forum “cobak” in South Korea.

Q2. What was your intention to record game video of HyperSnakes and share it with the community and other social platforms?

A: Now, there are more and more people playing blockchain games. I like HyperSnakes very much, and I hope to let more people know about this game. I hope to see this game popular in South Korea.

Q3. What’s your opinion on MixMarvel?

A: MixMarvel is a compelling company in blockchain game R&D and publishing, which has launched many excellent blockchain game products.

Q4. What’s your expectation for MixMarvel in the future?

A: I hope that MixMarvel can optimize the reward management of HyperSnakes. For example, there is a difference in the number of SC players get in Ethereum and Tron versions. Secondly, I hope that MixMarvel can publish more game playing methods and corresponding quick access links on the official website.

Game Video of HyperSnakes recorded by users

Through the real thinking of this Korean core player, you can feel his passion and faith in blockchain games. Through the community, MixMarvel attracted a group of stable seed users who have a sense of belonging and identity to the game community. On this basis, MixMarvel has rapidly accumulated many users in South Korea, laying a solid foundation for the next step of building a phenomenal blockchain application.

MixMarvel community:

MixMarvel Official Website / Telegram / Facebook

KakaoTalk / Twitter / Medium / YouTube

